Link to their exposal
hurr durr google it man literally have been getting sued left and right the last year
Who the f***s this uncultured swine?
Am I missing something, is he some sort of a big deal orrrr??
hurr durr google it man literally have been getting sued left and right the last year
I linked you something about Stefan molyneux, link me something about the poverty center. Interested to see your sources
the difference is i would fight for your right to speak your mind no matter if i agree or not but you niggas wouldnt for me to be able to. you guys are for more and more censorship and that will come to bite us later on but hey right
hurr durr google it man literally have been getting sued left and right the last year
Also can you answer how Stefan Molyneux is not a nazi if he openly espouses anti Semitic and white nationalist views?
ok good to know thanks for informing me. now what do you want to do about his views?
founder of the Proud Boys isn't a nazi - Kanyezus
oh hey sissi might wanna provide some proof itt not everyone can be as informed as you comrade
Funny coming from a bum who deadass said hiphop is all the "devil's music". You're disgusting fam. Log you ass out and plz refrain from sayin "nigga", you prolly the same color as my fridge, f***in clown
Foh, yea I said majority of hip hop is devil’s music....prove me wrong or shut f*** up you soft b****. And what will you do if I don’t stop saying “nigga”? I guarantee I’m blacker than you.
oh hey sissi might wanna provide some proof itt not everyone can be as informed as you comrade
we've already been over this lmao don't be dumb
your point of view just is that antifa is worse than a neo-fascist organization, we're never going to agree
its ironic you use southern poverty for reference but they have been exposed as racists. so im guessing youre a racist now?
why is them being idiots bother you guys so much
Hey care to explain how Stefan Molyneux isn’t a nazi?
Civil discourse will never be possible as long as people are labeled so quickly.
If you’re white and not a Democrat, you’re a white supremacist, racist, homophobic, etc.
If you’re black and not a Democrat, you’re a coon, sell out to the culture, etc.
It’s mind blowing people don’t realize the media and politicians have brainwashed you to believe anyone you disagree with is the enemy and all or at least one of those labels.
we've already been over this lmao don't be dumb
your point of view just is that antifa is worse than a neo-fascist organization, we're never going to agree
no theyre both stupid af but d***head niggas in polos arent nazis bro
no theyre both stupid af but d***head niggas in polos arent nazis bro
so if they buy into nazi ideology but they wear polos they aren't nazis? okay
Or you just gonna keep ignoring that question
in the same way that youre not. again you linked to splc so youre by your own logic a racist. now dont quote me again racist
stop calling everyone who dont agree a f***ing neo nazi it dilutes it d***head
so stupid lmao