  • Mar 9, 2020

    good post op

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Yea that was me lol I had to see what was up with this new site and now I’m addicted again 😂😂

    i f*** w u heavy every single thread u made had me dying

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    man... i honestly feel like i want to be on top of things before i hit my big bro up. i been this way for too long. i want to come back way flexed up than i am. sounds dumb but ... im just embarassed at this point

    you are stuck in a rut, and you are used to your comfort zone of allowing your mind to tell you you are no good, and to keep that shame on the forefront of your mind.

    you are never going to get the perfect time to hit your brother up. ditch that mentality and start today. he may be the help you need.

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    i f*** w u heavy every single thread u made had me dying

    Thanks I’m glad I at least made one person’s day better

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel so hopeless though...

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel so hopeless though...

    why do you feel hopeless? what is stopping you?

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    why do you feel hopeless? what is stopping you?

    Scared to fail

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Thanks I’m glad I at least made one person’s day better

    n you were always talking about some real s*** that i identified w so if u need someone to talk to hit me on ktt ig fr

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    why should i love myself when nobody else does

    clearly there’s something wrong with me. i’m unappealing. i’m worthless. my genes aren’t worth passing on. i’m just a bug that failed to find a mate so now i’m going to die and leave no impact on the world. i’ll be forgotten in 5 minutes. nobody loved me and nobody cared about me. my existence meant nothing to anyone even myself

  • deadacc

    n you were always talking about some real s*** that i identified w so if u need someone to talk to hit me on ktt ig fr

    Fs bro I appreciate it

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    you are stuck in a rut, and you are used to your comfort zone of allowing your mind to tell you you are no good, and to keep that shame on the forefront of your mind.

    you are never going to get the perfect time to hit your brother up. ditch that mentality and start today. he may be the help you need.

    thats good advice but i cant lmao. what do you use for motivation?

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020

    Scared to fail

    you have to take risks. you will not leave your comfort zone this way! most importantly, there is no success without failure

    think about when you were a kid. can you ride a bike? whether you do or not, this illustration still applies. when your mother or father teaches a child how to ride a bike, no child is going to get on that bike first time and ride away perfectly without falling. how many times they fall over a length of time is countless. cuts, bruises, open wounds. but the child continues to take risks and get on that bike until he can ride.

    we need to be like that child. fearless. not afraid to fail because we realise the only way we grow and become better is through failure

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020

    why should i love myself when nobody else does

    clearly there’s something wrong with me. i’m unappealing. i’m worthless. my genes aren’t worth passing on. i’m just a bug that failed to find a mate so now i’m going to die and leave no impact on the world. i’ll be forgotten in 5 minutes. nobody loved me and nobody cared about me. my existence meant nothing to anyone even myself

    and that is the problem. the love is within us. YOU carry yourself around on this planet 365 days a year. every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month. life shifts, people change, even family can let you down and leave your life. but you. you. that is where the power lies, because you never leave you. stop relying on love from
    others to make you feel validated on this planet, that is just a bonus. if you feel
    like nobody loves you, find that within yourself

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020

    thats good advice but i cant lmao. what do you use for motivation?

    the only thing i use for motivation is remembering i am one of almost 9 billion people on this earth. i am unique and a breath of life to this earth. i have the birth given right to be happy, we all do. my mother did not carry me for 9 months, feed me, teach me how to walk, eat, put me in a schooling system, and so many other things... all for nothing! a waste of her hard earned time and energy.

    i picture me not being the person i was yesterday. i picture that i will fail because that is human life. i picture my failings and my successes and focus on what i have achieved.

    what you consciously tell yourself is of the utmost importance

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    have compassion for yourselves.

    think of 3 amazing things you can do for somebody today, and do it. whether it’s a phone call, text, complimenting a stranger... the choice is yours. then look back on yourselves at the end of the day with positivity. have a great day each and every one of you

  • Mar 9, 2020

    This deadass what I imagine as Op everytime I see one of these posts


  • Mar 9, 2020

    i wanna stop my self hatred but that s*** dont stop

  • op right.

  • Mar 9, 2020
    1 reply

    have compassion for yourselves.

    think of 3 amazing things you can do for somebody today, and do it. whether it’s a phone call, text, complimenting a stranger... the choice is yours. then look back on yourselves at the end of the day with positivity. have a great day each and every one of you

    i hug my mom and tell her i love her everyday

    also text her to have a good day in the morning when she’s at work

  • Mar 9, 2020

    Whole lot of coping itt

  • OP
    Mar 9, 2020

    i hug my mom and tell her i love her everyday

    also text her to have a good day in the morning when she’s at work

    that’s amazing bro! that also helps in bringing the focus on to others rather than ourselves. internalising is a a deep hole. keep it up man🖤

  • Mar 9, 2020

    bruh. seeing how young some of you are being so hard on yourselves for a normal thing called life. y’all really need to stop. every single one of you on this site are more than capable, stop doubting yourselves. stop feeling sorry for yourselves. change your thought process, change your lifestyles and go out and kill that hoe

    sending positivity to you all. will send a reminder in here everyday with a positive message to remind y’allselves