Wanted feedback from people who’ve been collecting for years now. I have some great expensive pairs that have been just sitting on my shelf for years now, times just flying by.. and I haven’t worn them. I’m starting to see the yellowing happen in front of my eyes.
Was thinking of putting them back in the box but that’s no fun. Does anyone shrink wrap shoes? Does it actually help?
not sure about the shrink wrap but you should remove any tissue paper from the boxes. it's usually acidic and can accelerate yellowing/deterioration
i think the best option is the drop front boxes from container store and just keep them out of the sunlight
They're gonna yellow regardless, use plastic bin with no paper, & take them out monthly for a day & let them breathe. Or just wear them though..
not sure about the shrink wrap but you should remove any tissue paper from the boxes. it's usually acidic and can accelerate yellowing/deterioration
i think the best option is the drop front boxes from container store and just keep them out of the sunlight
That’s a solid idea I guess I’ll visit the container store