If anyone is interested on getting the game on Steam, it's on sale at GamersGate with 40% off and 10% more with the code JURISFEETTHO
that's a wild ass code
Was about to say that before reading the spoiler
Was about to say that before reading the spoiler
I thought they was bullshitting with the code name, but they wasn't lying
Good thing is the code works for the base, deluxe and Ultimate edition.
Akuma go so hard
He OP as f*** already but after you do the taunt and eat that rice ball. You legit turn into shin akuma
I'd rather have used the money I spent in mk premium edition on the season pass of Tekken and street fighter. MK Is a disappointing 💩 show
I'd rather have used the money I spent in mk premium edition on the season pass of Tekken and street fighter. MK Is a disappointing 💩 show
I made this same mistake smh
bro terry and mai too
bro terry and mai too
i feel like one crossover character wouldve been good enough tbh but its dope theyre in this
i like all the selections but having 2 guest characters out of 4 total is a bummer
wouldve rather had terry + another returning chracter or even a new character
or do a 5 character pass
i like all the selections but having 2 guest characters out of 4 total is a bummer
wouldve rather had terry + another returning chracter or even a new character
or do a 5 character pass
Terry + new character would be the dream, like it's a new game fellas, let's get aome fresh blood in there
i like all the selections but having 2 guest characters out of 4 total is a bummer
wouldve rather had terry + another returning chracter or even a new character
or do a 5 character pass
i was expecting some retärded s*** like rufus so im happy
dictator gameplay tomorrow, i guess he'll release in july then?
would be crazy hype if he's playable in time for evo
Terry + new character would be the dream, like it's a new game fellas, let's get aome fresh blood in there
a quarter of the roster is all new characters
its out
That Drive Rush speed is kreisy
he doesnt seem scissor kick spammy like in sfv which is good but we'd have to see the frame data on it tho