Playing SFIV and trying to beat Arcade Seth as Dan, hard times
Finally, must have spent 4 hours on just Seth, Dan sucks so much and I hope they put him in every game
I’m really gonna just focus up on SF6. I’ll get tekken and MK later on. I’m just really loving this version of street fighter rn
Nigga forgor to turn his mods off during a tourney
im going to evo but scared of going 0-2 my first match lmaoo
You gotta tell us how you do, I'd like to try a comp someday too if I get the chance
im going to evo but scared of going 0-2 my first match lmaoo
dam i'm jealous enjoy it!! who do you main?
Nigga forgor to turn his mods off during a tourney
Was about to post thus
Nigga forgor to turn his mods off during a tourney
Trying to hold my laughter in rn
Nigga forgor to turn his mods off during a tourney
Nigga forgor to turn his mods off during a tourney
im going to evo but scared of going 0-2 my first match lmaoo
shout out ktt when you win
Nigga forgor to turn his mods off during a tourney
im going to evo but scared of going 0-2 my first match lmaoo
Real s*** bro, congrats and good luck smack them niggas
new rank added for masters
new rank added for masters lets f***ing goooo