Outfit 3 teasers!
https://twitter.com/StreetFighter/status/1687591470965080064was just about to post this lol
that marisa one......
Daigo just got sent to losers by Menard! Rlly close set!
Copping that juri costume. How much they cost like 5 bucks?
$6.99 gets you 250 fighter coins
each costume is 50 fighter coins
the GOAT tokido playing conflicted cause shuto got a nice marisa lol
Daigo just got sent to losers by Menard! Rlly close set!
He's still the GOAT, nothing can change that
the GOAT tokido playing conflicted cause shuto got a nice marisa lol
Could easily see him winning tbh, he's insanely dominant
omg that confirm was nasty
Tokido got perfected?? Jesus
ikr im lil worried....
this man is CLUTCH wowww
There's an argument to be made for Tokido being the best player in the world right now, Daigo will forever be the GOAT in spirit, but Tokido still seems to be in his prime somehow
Tokido is CRAZY
There are so many good games rn/coming up
There's an argument to be made for Tokido being the best player in the world right now, Daigo will forever be the GOAT in spirit, but Tokido still seems to be in his prime somehow
def up there for me, hes so consistent
cant wait for akuma to come out, i know hes gonna go crazy with him again
def up there for me, hes so consistent
cant wait for akuma to come out, i know hes gonna go crazy with him again
Dude I was just thinking this, I wonder how they're gonna handle his supers, obviously 3 has to be raging demon but will they go for the standard crazy hadouken/shoryuken or invent something new? Lotta stuff to consider, I 100% main Dhalsim but would absolutely pick Akuma up when he arrives
Whatever the case, the screen BETTER go completely black for raging demon and I'm not kidding
That was a CRAZY comeback
Haitani right?
damn that drop hurt