Remember Versace? Took what he needed from Migos then dipped. All he did after that was feature on a bunch more of their tracks and take them on tour
Lol funny thing is he put them on the map with Versace. I know you’re just being sarcastic, but there are people that literally think this way 😭
niggas talk more than b****es these days…..
You wouldn’t say this to Nore’s face though… he’d smack the s*** out of you 🤔
Future should’ve known Drake just takes what he needs from these artists and dips
Damn this comment backfired hard lol
“Niggas like to gossip like b****es, got me thinking you don’t like b****es”
(Also, Nore’s been a disappointment ever since that Kanye Drink Champs interview. Nigga is truly a chatty Patty now and it’s disgusting)
No way this lyric would fly now
niggas really in here disrespecting Futures music based on Nore saying he got beef with Drake
absolutely embarrassing
Nore top 5 least responsible people with a platform
dunno why this took me out lol
Dips? Drake was on 2 tracks on Futures album. He been helping Future since Tony Montana
but yea NORE‘s source is definitely voices in his head
Future should’ve known Drake just takes what he needs from these artists and dips
when drake collaborates it’s taking what he needs and dips that’s crazy
All these old heads move like b****es man I’m tired of it
really older people talking the most
iykyk came a long way