Kobe could not do running hooks like magic. Stop
Go on youtube, he most certainly could.
Random Twitter user is the streets now...
I know that you seen that 40k likes
That's your opinion ,many times he performs the flows even better than the originator.
so he a performer, not a musician
Go on youtube, he most certainly could.
Bro he hit it a few times and half weren’t real hookshoots just high floaters
Kobe could do running hooks like Magic, The dream shake like Kareem. Even though Hov is probably the goat Drake can do many things that Hov didn't do.
Nah I’ll give you that, Kobe had way better post game than Jordan and his footwork was nuts.
Drake more versatile but I’d rather be good at one thing than decent at a ton
Plus if we being real, Ye just as versatile if not more. Just like basketball, rings are the end all be all. Hov and Ye got more classics and way more accolades and did it before Drake
Bro he hit it a few times and half weren’t real hookshoots just high floaters
He didn't need to use it everytime. It was a chang up when he needed, meaning that he had it in the arsenal. Kobe even stole moves from DWade, he was incredibly humble in his pursuit of greatness.
Nah I’ll give you that, Kobe had way better post game than Jordan and his footwork was nuts.
Drake more versatile but I’d rather be good at one thing than decent at a ton
Plus if we being real, Ye just as versatile if not more. Just like basketball, rings are the end all be all. Hov and Ye got more classics and way more accolades and did it before Drake
I've yet to hear R&B from Ye or dancehall. We've heard Drake do everything Ye does minus gospel. Drake is a better singer and lyricist than Ye. He obviously doesn't make the beats,but that's not really part of being an mc. I think Drake has won like 300 awards not sure about Hov or Ye.
Still dont make it the streets
Using a hyperbolic statement for humor happens.
Post one song in which Drake says he's a mob boss.
He literally said "I am a dada" or did you think he meant he was a daddy :parrot:
He literally said "I am a dada" or did you think he meant he was a daddy :parrot:
Yes,I think he meant he was a dad,because it was relevant during that time.
Jay’s very presence is better
Jordan's presence brought millions of casual viewers back to the NBA, it still didn't stop him from getting 40 dropped on him in a half.
Jordan's presence brought millions of casual viewers back to the NBA, it still didn't stop him from getting 40 dropped on him in a half.
I was just joking but damn good point
Yes,I think he meant he was a dad,because it was relevant during that time.
I mean I expect drake to use Jamaican slang more than baby talk but that's just me
we're talking about real music, sales not relevant
Prime Drake > Prime Shawn
Weren’t you in the pusha thread reporting people for baiting just to turn around and bait? Ktt go ktt