  • RICH 💸
    Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    The truth is I could've come a lot harder, and in all the years I've entered style wars prior, it was true then too. But y'all already know that.. So I'm just going to say for the record that there are only a few genuine swaggers out there these days.. and no, this s*** ain't "getting worse" or anything like that, the real OG's have always cultivated it for themselves, and they know how to keep a secret and the importance of keeping it secret... now pagan princes try to lay everything bare; tattooed and pierced, draped in metal accessories and clueless abstruse layers.. preaching usury, and false morality, claiming they stand up for their brothers in arms while capping for billionaires and their worthless assets...
    they think they've really gotten hold of something worth having!.. but that's what separates the real swaggers from the idolators... the priests and warriors from the hustlers and slaves...

    Second half of the post has eastern philosophy vibes in a cool way (because eastern philosophy is always cool imo) reminds me specifically of this meme comparing Andrew tate I think? to Lao Tzu lol

    Sorry if this is unnecessary commentary I don't wanna clog SW up but wanted to share lol

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Itachi’s little brother

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 17, 2023
    · edited

    : stüssywhipped :

    1st pic

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    Second half of the post has eastern philosophy vibes in a cool way (because eastern philosophy is always cool imo) reminds me specifically of this meme comparing Andrew tate I think? to Lao Tzu lol

    Sorry if this is unnecessary commentary I don't wanna clog SW up but wanted to share lol

    Nah SW always needs as much beyond the votes talk as possible, you good

  • Feb 17, 2023
    2 replies

    Nah SW always needs as much beyond the votes talk as possible, you good

    Speaking of…

    You doing post round YT streams this year?

  • Feb 17, 2023
    2 replies
    So Illegal

    Speaking of…

    You doing post round YT streams this year?

    This would be dope.

    Didn’t happen last stylewars because of lack of participants I think? But it did happen the stylewars before that and it was great

  • Feb 17, 2023

    nice fits you did your thing @boruto_dad

    @superhans I hear you man, it's just been my uniform for the last while there

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    This would be dope.

    Didn’t happen last stylewars because of lack of participants I think? But it did happen the stylewars before that and it was great

    For sure

    I think discussion is prolly the most important and fun part of Sw

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    @boruto_dad info on that bag in the first pic? So cool

    Also the ballerina behind you makes for a cool photographic detail

  • Feb 17, 2023

    The truth is I could've come a lot harder, and in all the years I've entered style wars prior, it was true then too. But y'all already know that.. So I'm just going to say for the record that there are only a few genuine swaggers out there these days.. and no, this s*** ain't "getting worse" or anything like that, the real OG's have always cultivated it for themselves, and they know how to keep a secret and the importance of keeping it secret... now pagan princes try to lay everything bare; tattooed and pierced, draped in metal accessories and clueless abstruse layers.. preaching usury, and false morality, claiming they stand up for their brothers in arms while capping for billionaires and their worthless assets...
    they think they've really gotten hold of something worth having!.. but that's what separates the real swaggers from the idolators... the priests and warriors from the hustlers and slaves...

    so real. KTT Rick Rubin I’m taking notes

  • Feb 17, 2023
    So Illegal

    For sure

    I think discussion is prolly the most important and fun part of Sw

    Real as s***!!!

    Exactly why @takti & I recorded those episodes and why I'm always trying to encourage as much voting as possible, people talking their s*** instead of whining about 'popularity', people asking questions, giving their thoughts beyond just the vote

    Fits are the foundation but discussion is the life blood

  • Feb 17, 2023

    sauske shoulda got a pic with the balenci shades actually on aswell

  • Feb 17, 2023

    This would be dope.

    Didn’t happen last stylewars because of lack of participants I think? But it did happen the stylewars before that and it was great

    Nah it was on me

    I was a few weeks out from being homeless when SW started last year and before that I wasn't somewhere safe and it worsened my disability

    Even after getting a place I didn't have wifi (still don't) and this massive snowstorm f***ed up my only phone charger and I only had a headphone cable for about a month which got my phone enough juice for doing things like uploading the rounds in short bursts

  • Feb 17, 2023
    2 replies
    So Illegal

    Speaking of…

    You doing post round YT streams this year?

    Looking at 2021 SW setting this one up made me want to hit up @takti to get on that because I genuinely want to do that

    But I don't have wifi and won't be able to get any for the foreseeable future (not money related, a lot of s*** is f***ed on my end right now and it's a big mess restricting a bunch of s***)

    Plus I don't know if I want to be on camera until I can get some medical help I been waiting on

    All of that considered...I was thinking about just recording audio in regards to my thoughts and dropping that so that might happen

    Would be cool if people up for recording audio too or even taking up the stream themselves since I can't

  • Feb 17, 2023

    @boruto_dad info on that bag in the first pic? So cool

    Also the ballerina behind you makes for a cool photographic detail

    its a vintage bag i bought from these lovely ladies:
    they have a lot of rly beautiful vintage christian lacroix stuff and the like

    the actual brand is garay but i dont think they exist anymore

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    Looking at 2021 SW setting this one up made me want to hit up @takti to get on that because I genuinely want to do that

    But I don't have wifi and won't be able to get any for the foreseeable future (not money related, a lot of s*** is f***ed on my end right now and it's a big mess restricting a bunch of s***)

    Plus I don't know if I want to be on camera until I can get some medical help I been waiting on

    All of that considered...I was thinking about just recording audio in regards to my thoughts and dropping that so that might happen

    Would be cool if people up for recording audio too or even taking up the stream themselves since I can't

    Could always do a zoom call and record it. Then whoever is on it can choose to have their cameras on/off. If you’re on it, you could just share screen and leave your camera off. But then I guess that probably requires WiFi…

    Feel that though. Glad to hear things are a bit bette for you. Hopefully they keep getting better

  • i am sasuke

  • Feb 17, 2023

    Could always do a zoom call and record it. Then whoever is on it can choose to have their cameras on/off. If you’re on it, you could just share screen and leave your camera off. But then I guess that probably requires WiFi…

    Feel that though. Glad to hear things are a bit bette for you. Hopefully they keep getting better

    My LTE connection is good enough for zoom/telehealth services so this definitely a good thing to consider, thank you

    preciate the well wishes too 🙏🏾

  • Feb 17, 2023


    Second fit hard af. Love the shoes and the sweater

    That green jacket in miskha second fit is really interesting too

  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    my post got more quotes than mishka got votes 😟

    do you ever post fits?

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 17, 2023

    do you ever post fits?


  • Feb 17, 2023
    1 reply

    The green jacket hard mishka

  • Feb 17, 2023
    2 replies

    Style wars like the grammies- politics

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 17, 2023

    Style wars like the grammies- politics

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 17, 2023

    The green jacket hard mishka

    ya the color is sick