Ayo @Vox lemme get in on this I’m tryna get my fits more on point on some trial by fire s***
Oh s*** I ain’t realize @helmut_lame was op
You know who behind the scenes though
vox hired some good writers this year, this preseason drama good for promo
My favorite post so far, I'm working
Done deal. Now I need to figure out how to post a photo
To expand on what @helmut_lame said in case you use something other than imgur you just need to grab the direct image link and put an ! In front to embed
Hope you f*** with whatever the format ends up being so that you can participate, always rock with what you got to say for the honesty at the very least and looking forward to some fits
@helmut_lame change that 18 in OP to 20
12 spots left and the roster is f***ing stacked
Can we get rid of the rule that stops us from using fits from WDYWT? All that does is stop people from posting until Style Wars
People gotta speak on this
We hashing everything out before the wars. No complaints once this s*** is on go.
People gotta speak on this
We hashing everything out before the wars. No complaints once this s*** is on go.
I agree, I get tired of WDYWT being mad dry for however long style wars goes on, and it’s not like it being in another thread takes away from the fit or what it says about someone’s style, all it really does is give niggas with more clothes an advantage
@ghosting this real?
ghosting in too he just told me
you’ve left my last 30 dms on read 🤧🤧
@jongpong ??!
so tru^^
f*** it, lets go
Wait I just remembered a bunch of usernames but now it feels kinda annoying to spam all of them as I rmemeber the
@illegalnecessity you coming back this year I remember ya fits being hard
Wait I just remembered a bunch of usernames but now it feels kinda annoying to spam all of them as I rmemeber the
ill allow it