My g, you really don’t see a difference between a compliment and criticism?
Criticism implies knowing better. I’m not gonna tell someone to do better without showing I can do better myself first
Again, you’ll swallow the compliments but get mad at the criticism.
I said I wanted to see Shwin add something to his style & Majestic needed to post better pictures, what in that got you so hot?
& knowing how circle jerk this place is, y’all already made up your mind if I ever post a fit.
Ppl like you always popping up around style wars talking sooo crazy About I’m not even gonna vote in this round and yet never posting any fits
It’s old and tired bro
I didn’t know my vote meant that much to you 🥺
Again, you’ll swallow the compliments but get mad at the criticism.
I said I wanted to see Shwin add something to his style & Majestic needed to post better pictures, what in that got you so hot?
& knowing how circle jerk this place is, y’all already made up your mind if I ever post a fit.
nah bro back it up, i remember ktt1 got a similar situation too
homegirl showed up and everyone ate crow
Again, you’ll swallow the compliments but get mad at the criticism.
I said I wanted to see Shwin add something to his style & Majestic needed to post better pictures, what in that got you so hot?
& knowing how circle jerk this place is, y’all already made up your mind if I ever post a fit.
If you dress nice then all the s*** talkin is immediately validated. It’s simple as that bruh. You don’t need to back up a compliment
nah bro back it up, i remember ktt1 got a similar situation too
homegirl showed up and everyone ate crow
While I do like Shwin's fits and colour scheme, it's a lil OD on the colour matching with the fits for me so it's Majestic for m
Good match-up overall
nah bro back it up, i remember ktt1 got a similar situation too
homegirl showed up and everyone ate crow
i member dis lmao
If you dress nice then all the s*** talkin is immediately validated. It’s simple as that bruh. You don’t need to back up a compliment
here's my 2 cents
getting someone else's perspective is important, but it's fair to pick and choose what perspectives you think are valuable. it helps as well when figuring out if you're dressing for yourself or the internet to be able to tune out voices. for example, I know steezus is a big kiko guy so I know he'll enjoy the delvas in the 1st pic, and I know takiti projectile vomits when he sees dad shoes so he's gonna hate. no one's right or wrong in that sense, it's just preference.
when people with no fits or history start critiquing, it's weird sometimes because you have no frame of reference for what they like. it's why I'm interested to see papa jawn's fits because I disagree with a lot of his critique, but he clearly puts thought into vocalizing what he likes and dislikes which is great, and unusual for someone who doesn't really post fits. when clb Prada says I need to change up my style, a) I don't know who's saying this and what he likes and b) im not inclined to change my ways on the whim of someone just constantly commenting out of pocket things. it's just about figuring out what you think is your own personal style that you don't feel the need to change, and separating that from the critique people offer. no one's obliged to change just based on random commentors, or even established people if you feel like their view doesn't really match your own.
here's my 2 cents
getting someone else's perspective is important, but it's fair to pick and choose what perspectives you think are valuable. it helps as well when figuring out if you're dressing for yourself or the internet to be able to tune out voices. for example, I know steezus is a big kiko guy so I know he'll enjoy the delvas in the 1st pic, and I know takiti projectile vomits when he sees dad shoes so he's gonna hate. no one's right or wrong in that sense, it's just preference.
when people with no fits or history start critiquing, it's weird sometimes because you have no frame of reference for what they like. it's why I'm interested to see papa jawn's fits because I disagree with a lot of his critique, but he clearly puts thought into vocalizing what he likes and dislikes which is great, and unusual for someone who doesn't really post fits. when clb Prada says I need to change up my style, a) I don't know who's saying this and what he likes and b) im not inclined to change my ways on the whim of someone just constantly commenting out of pocket things. it's just about figuring out what you think is your own personal style that you don't feel the need to change, and separating that from the critique people offer. no one's obliged to change just based on random commentors, or even established people if you feel like their view doesn't really match your own.
Agreed. I’m definitely not saying because someone is fly you have to listen to their criticism. Just that no one really “gets mad” when an established poster roasts a fit because, like you said, there’s at least a frame of reference for the criticism.
think so, I was just lurking then don't remember her @
but she swagged that rothco vest out
here's my 2 cents
getting someone else's perspective is important, but it's fair to pick and choose what perspectives you think are valuable. it helps as well when figuring out if you're dressing for yourself or the internet to be able to tune out voices. for example, I know steezus is a big kiko guy so I know he'll enjoy the delvas in the 1st pic, and I know takiti projectile vomits when he sees dad shoes so he's gonna hate. no one's right or wrong in that sense, it's just preference.
when people with no fits or history start critiquing, it's weird sometimes because you have no frame of reference for what they like. it's why I'm interested to see papa jawn's fits because I disagree with a lot of his critique, but he clearly puts thought into vocalizing what he likes and dislikes which is great, and unusual for someone who doesn't really post fits. when clb Prada says I need to change up my style, a) I don't know who's saying this and what he likes and b) im not inclined to change my ways on the whim of someone just constantly commenting out of pocket things. it's just about figuring out what you think is your own personal style that you don't feel the need to change, and separating that from the critique people offer. no one's obliged to change just based on random commentors, or even established people if you feel like their view doesn't really match your own.
Speaking of papa jawns criticism and comments it would also be interesting to see @fiveprestos voting and giving his opinions as well too. Both have good dialogue
think so, I was just lurking then don't remember her @
but she swagged that rothco vest out
Oh I know who you're talking about It wasnt markeur it was someone else I cant remember her username
I dont think she has an account her though
Speaking of papa jawns criticism and comments it would also be interesting to see @fiveprestos voting and giving his opinions as well too. Both have good dialogue
Man told me last month that he'd be voting and giving commentary
Hit him a few days ago and he said he put his account on mute for a while
Oh I know who you're talking about It wasnt markeur it was someone else I cant remember her username
I dont think she has an account her though
If that's who you're talking about, she has an account here but hasn't posted in a year or two
If that's who you're talking about, she has an account here but hasn't posted in a year or two
Yes! didnt know she made it over tho
She sometimes posts in the discord but its been like months since shes been there too
Everything Shwin said is very valid. As you’ll see tomorrow, he and I dress pretty different and I can see why some (or most) of my personal preferences don’t resonate. The way I dress isn’t going to hit with some people and I’m sure there are going to be comments that I don’t agree with. I’ll start putting some fits in wdywt after SW, but I thought this might be a solid way to at least back up some of the talk I’ve put out over the last few months. At the end of the day, this is all subjective and just clothing. I like the banter, I appreciate Vox setting this all up, and look forward to putting a face to my username 🤞🏻
Man told me last month that he'd be voting and giving commentary
Hit him a few days ago and he said he put his account on mute for a while
If that's who you're talking about, she has an account here but hasn't posted in a year or two
Maybe 7 years ago yeah
i havent heard their recent s*** but 2013 is my happy place and i still regularly fw chvrches crystal castles xxyyxx purity ring etc
timeless fr