I’ve been waiting for this round and it did not disappoint, boruto’s second fit w the jacket on is my favorite of the match but I’m not a huge fan of the cut of the coat in fit 1. Both Anna’s look really sleek so they’ve got my vote but this was one of the best match ups yet
Mad props to @boruto_dad for coming out swinging
Not boruto dad with the nipples the pom poms & the lesbian Margela Simpsons!!!!!!!
this why we have less female posters year after year
Not boruto dad with the nipples the pom poms & the lesbian Margela Simpsons!!!!!!!
u sound like a virgin bro
Go ahead and vote for your friend and move on bro, I like the outfit, y’all gas up your friends all the time. I don’t even know this poster. Keep it going bozo.
Go ahead and vote for your friend and move on bro, I like the outfit, y’all gas up your friends all the time. I don’t even know this poster. Keep it going bozo.
begging you to stop
I said the same seeing your fits
this is not a roast session you're just a weirdo
Boruto with the body
u need to rephrase this bro
There's a table of contents for all the matches in OP that's getting built up over time s/o @helmut_lame