  • Feb 27, 2022


  • Feb 27, 2022

    I think between ranking and just choosing one, if its only spot it makes more sense the later

    But the idea of a royal rumbe with one fit is great

  • Feb 27, 2022
    1 reply

    @CaptainRay @boruto_dad @chasewalked @Puccesa / @testaccount4

    How about this - everyone sends in one fit and then everyone ranks their favorite fits one through four with each rank having a specific value (0-3 or 1-4)

    I tally up all the votes at the end of the voting period and whoever has the most points gets the open spot

    I don't want to extend the period between rounds too much because the length of SW was something people expressed an interest in shortening last year so if you're in it would be best to have two fits ready for your match if you win

    Kind of harkening back to when each match was four fits per, if people were up for it/think two is the minimum for decent representation it could be two fits per for the free for all match and then have the two fits ready for the match and the three people don't make it just have more surf for the flood after the round

    But I think one for the free for all would be cool too and fit with the whole last chance/royal rumble idea and would make things easier too

    I tagged the people that I thought might be interested and I think four is actually a perfect number for this kind of setup but five could work too so if a fifth person that's been knocked out wants to jump in that would be cool too

    I know I mentioned this before but I wanted to make it a bit more detailed

    Please let me know as soon as you can if you think this would be viable/if you're up for it

    imo only the ppl that lost this round should be in the free for all since they at least won their first round. while the ranking of the fits is probably the more fair/accurate way of seeing who wins i think it would ask a lot of the ppl counting votes esp since y’all end up asking more ppl to count when it’s just 1v1. as far as # of fits i think 1 is good, but if the participants want to do more then they should.

  • Feb 27, 2022
    Papa Jawnz

    Winning a round and then saying, “oh it’s ok the other person can win instead” is wack. Shouldn’t have competed if you didn’t wanna participate

    okay I Will Never post a fit on here Again 💔

  • Feb 27, 2022

    We having a Royal Rumble?? We gotta get wild cards and celebrity guests

  • Feb 27, 2022


  • Feb 27, 2022


  • Feb 27, 2022
    4 replies

    Make the royal rumble open to literally every person

  • Feb 28, 2022
    So Illegal

    Make the royal rumble open to literally every person

    I agree.

  • Feb 28, 2022
    So Illegal

    Make the royal rumble open to literally every person


  • Feb 28, 2022
    Sigmund Freud

    Only woman I’m scared of is the Virgin Mary. Jesus is on my side. You have no taste. You buy clothes like a baseball card collector. You have no swag. You shop like a nerd. Your dad thinks you’re a nerd. He thinks I’m handsome. You could never hate like me. You’re built like Gumby. You got no swag. Your Instagram is @​archive.archive. You’re not original. You’re a rip off’s rip off. You’re your favorite rip offers favorite rip offer. You pay $3000 for a 25 year old tee shirt. I buy my s*** at TJ Maxx. You’re going out of business like TJ Maxx. You dress like A explore page. You dress like my Uncle. You dress like my Auntie. I stuck it in your Auntie. You got no Swag. Your dad thinks I’m handsome. You could never hate like me


  • Feb 28, 2022
    1 reply

    “Remember where you came from. Skinny jeans doc martens dressing like Hot Topic. I banged your work wife wrote my thesis on it its a Hot Topic.”

  • Feb 28, 2022
    Gary Givenchy

    “Remember where you came from. Skinny jeans doc martens dressing like Hot Topic. I banged your work wife wrote my thesis on it its a Hot Topic.”

    God bless you

  • Feb 28, 2022
    1 reply

    imo only the ppl that lost this round should be in the free for all since they at least won their first round. while the ranking of the fits is probably the more fair/accurate way of seeing who wins i think it would ask a lot of the ppl counting votes esp since y’all end up asking more ppl to count when it’s just 1v1. as far as # of fits i think 1 is good, but if the participants want to do more then they should.

    I hear you but I feel like with the free for all flavor that comes with this it makes more sense to open it up to anyone that's been knocked out

    Plus I think the redemptive/surprise element of someone that got knocked out early and came back with heat could add a lot

    Counting votes is tough but thankfully @op and @Steezus have really come through and if it came down to it even though I'm in poor health I'd find a way to do it because I don't think the voting pool is large enough to get accurate results if it's just single votes vs ranked voting

  • Feb 28, 2022
    1 reply
    So Illegal

    Make the royal rumble open to literally every person

    I agree

    What you think of it being capped at five people (at least three, hopefully five)? That feels like a good number to me but I'm open to suggestions

  • Feb 28, 2022

    Also I need people to start confirming if they're actually in to participate, it seems like the momentum is there to make this happen but I don't want the time between rounds to drag so names to paper ASAP would be best

  • Feb 28, 2022

    @Puccesa / @testaccount4 is the first confirmation for the royal rumble

  • Feb 28, 2022

    @boruto_dad @chasewalked I'm assuming you're in but just want to ask again before confirming

  • Feb 28, 2022
    2 replies

    Vox really is a champion

  • Feb 28, 2022

    Vox really is a champion

    Preciate this heavy 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    @helmut_lame being helping me heavy too though + none of this happens without the community, always crazy to me that we can get 30+ people together to make this happen

  • Feb 28, 2022
    1 reply

    I hear you but I feel like with the free for all flavor that comes with this it makes more sense to open it up to anyone that's been knocked out

    Plus I think the redemptive/surprise element of someone that got knocked out early and came back with heat could add a lot

    Counting votes is tough but thankfully @op and @Steezus have really come through and if it came down to it even though I'm in poor health I'd find a way to do it because I don't think the voting pool is large enough to get accurate results if it's just single votes vs ranked voting

    It doesnt matter really who joins. They lost once & they'll lose again

  • Feb 28, 2022
    2 replies

    Vox really is a champion

    Stylewars MVP

  • Feb 28, 2022
    3 replies

    Stylewars MVP

    vox is style wars

  • Feb 28, 2022
    1 reply

    It doesnt matter really who joins. They lost once & they'll lose again

    YOOOOO my dawg talking