no one is "tracking fits" but obviously if someone posts a banger fit a month before SW niggas are gonna remember if he rehashes it
if you're lazy what the hell was even the point of entering? nigga calling people nerds because they wanna be entertained lmao you voluntarily entered no one is holding you hostage
cause yall are some NEW NIGGAS
yall was not here in the original style wars. this new s*** is from yall new dumbass post reddit niggas bruh yall made it way too complicated
this was style wars rules originally during the GLORY DAYS
yall niggas be really expecting grown ass men to play dress up when really all style wars was was a year end challenge where we compiled the best fits of the year. this isnt a action game anymore now this s*** a damn jrpg
ok well maybe one day you will be...
keep trying 🤝
post ur ig
If the core of the fit is still the same does it even really count as sumn different
Once you start caring this deeply is where I would agree with Sachee. I just don't wanna see dudes copying and pasting the same fit pic from WDYWT into SW
post ur ig
I have 428 followers and haven't posted since oct 2019 if you're rlly that curious lmao
cause yall are some NEW NIGGAS
yall was not here in the original style wars. this new s*** is from yall new dumbass post reddit niggas bruh yall made it way too complicated
this was style wars rules originally during the GLORY DAYS
yall niggas be really expecting grown ass men to play dress up when really all style wars was was a year end challenge where we compiled the best fits of the year. this isnt a action game anymore now this s*** a damn jrpg
nigga i was doing this s*** on hypebeast before KTT was even a thought in someones heads lmaooo
Once you start caring this deeply is where I would agree with Sachee. I just don't wanna see dudes copying and pasting the same fit pic from WDYWT into SW
Dawg then why are you against wdywt fits if you okay with niggas doing essentially the same thing but a lil different
I have 428 followers and haven't posted since oct 2019 if you're rlly that curious lmao
exactly shut tf up and keep being a npc
nigga i was doing this s*** on hypebeast before KTT was even a thought in someones heads lmaooo
yall in here argew-ing
s*** is getting a little cRAYzy
exactly shut tf up and keep being a npc
bro got main character syndrome off 1k followers im crine
Dawg then why are you against wdywt fits if you okay with niggas doing essentially the same thing but a lil different
cause these niggas want to play dress up for other men its simply dumb as f***
nigga said take time out of ur day to recreate a fit and change one thing about it
bro got main character syndrome off 1k followers im crine
kanye said he was a genius when everyone else laughed at him
JRPG's are the best genre of games. KTT is one step closer to following in the legacy of Hypebeast
cause these niggas want to play dress up for other men its simply dumb as f***
nigga said take time out of ur day to recreate a fit and change one thing about it
Like Id get it if he was saying the silhouette or color schemes had to be different but at this point it’s just splitting hairs
So the rules arent changing right
next year probably
Dawg then why are you against wdywt fits if you okay with niggas doing essentially the same thing but a lil different
Copying a fit piece for piece and not even using a new photo versus remixing the original outfit and changing it up is not the same thing dawg lmao
JRPG's are the best genre of games. KTT is one step closer to following in the legacy of Hypebeast
and just like final fantasy after years of turn based bullshit niggas got regular fighting cause its simply funner
kanye said he was a genius when everyone else laughed at him
I jus think its funny how you come in here calling everyone nerds and idiots just because being on ktt longer makes you feel special