Imagine worrying about another man’s bottoms just cast ur vote and keep it moving
i thought thts what this sxn was 4 everytime i look here u r all having pants talks
i thought thts what this sxn was 4 everytime i look here u r all having pants talks
pretty true
trouser aficionados
slacks specialists
This is the only place on earth you are remotely cool u f***ing nerd
this could be said for like any and every main poster of wdywt
@foundongrailed tier but he looks great doing it. IMO it’s only a problem if you can’t pull it off
Winner’s name in bold
QualifierHEEBZ vs. HELMUT
Round OneRound One Match One: RAYRAY vs. Argew
Round One Match Two: MRINDIGO96 vs. Root of Evil
Round One Match Three: BMO vs. 36INSEAM
Round One Match Four: SATAN vs. CHUN
Round One Match Five: SHWIN vs. MAJESTIQ
Round One Match Six: PAPA JAWNZ vs. FIRMAMENTS
Round One Match Seven: CHASEWALKED vs. REKUSO
Round One Match Eight: GARY GIVENCHY vs. QUIRK
Round One Match Nine: ANNA vs. BORUTO DAD
Round One Match Ten: HXNS vs. NOTJARON
Round One Match Eleven: WHYGUL vs. MARGIELABABY
Round One Match Twelve: MISHKA vs. TAKTI
Round One Match Thirteen: PUCCESA vs. MOKA
Round One Match Fourteen: JONGPONG vs. MYTHIC
Round One Match Fifteen: MISHAXS vs. CLB DAPARK
Round One Match Sixteen: SO ILLEGAL vs. HELMUT
Round TwoRound Two Match One: ARGEW vs. ROE
Round Two Match Two: BORUTO DAD vs. HXNS
Round Two Match Three: CLB BMO vs. CHUN
Round Two Match Four: MAJESTIQ vs. FIRMAMENTS
Round Two Match Six: MARGIELABABY vs. TAKTI
Round Two Match Seven: MISHAXS vs. HELMUT
Round Two Match Eight: PUCESSA vs. JONGPONG
Round ThreeRound Three Match One: ARGEW vs. CLB BMO
Round Three Match Three: JONGPONG vs. MISHAXS
Round Three Match Four: HXNS vs. MARGIELABABY
Round FourRound Four Match One: CLB BMO vs. GARY GIVENCHY
Me and @Vox are hosting so tag one of us if you have any questions or concerns.
The start date for Style Wars has been pushed—we are now starting Round One on January 11!
1. START DATE - Style Wars 2022 will start on January 11th, 2022.
2. NUMBER OF FITS PER ROUND - Every contestant will be required to submit two new (new means the fit hasn't been posted in WDYWT or in a previous round or Style Wars) fits per match/round. The finals will require two new fits per contestant and each contestant can then choose two fits from their previous rounds in Style Wars 2022 to fill out a set of four (we're not sure if people preferred the finals to be two new + two previous or one new + three previous so please speak up on this and anything else that you feel like needs to be changed).
3. TIME BETWEEN ROUNDS - There will be no break between the first and second rounds. You should expect to win your first match no matter what plus there is a month + 16 days until the start of the second round. That should be plenty of time to get four fits total for the first two rounds. THERE WILL BE A WEEK LONG BREAK BETWEEN ALL OTHER ROUNDS
Things come up though so if you need more time or anything else please get into contact with Vox as soon as possible so we can do what we can to help (ie scrambling matches to give more time)
4. MATCH SETUP - Feel free to submit as many photos as you feel like you need to showcase your fits. There's only ten embeds per post but there are reserved posts at the start of the thread built in to handle overflow and it's easy enough to handle overflow within the thread itself.
Everyone is still welcome to submit a song to go with their match.
Please do everything you can to make your vote clear (the easiest way to do this is to bold your vote which you do with a ** on either side of the name of the person you're voting for)
5. RULE CHANGES - If you feel like anything needs to change rule wise (particularly with rule two) PLEASE SPEAK UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Previous Style Wars Seasons2021
Cover by @ghosting
Who next
this could be said for like any and every main poster of wdywt
Put some names on that s***
this could be said for like any and every main poster of wdywt
loud and wrong my boy
@foundongrailed tier but he looks great doing it. IMO it’s only a problem if you can’t pull it off
loud and wrong my boy
this why they all blowin up and havin they fits shared on platforms and s*** right? how i'm wrong? i'm not talkin style skills or if they cool as a person, i'm commenting on how most are nobodies outside this site and the people they personally know.
i've seen like one nigga in the wild online getting attention that be in here and he don't even be postin like that anymore
this why they all blowin up and havin they fits shared on platforms and s*** right? how i'm wrong? i'm not talkin style skills or if they cool as a person, i'm commenting on how most are nobodies outside this site and the people they personally know.
i've seen like one nigga in the wild online getting attention that be in here and he don't even be postin like that anymore
Damn bro who s*** in your cereal this morning
this why they all blowin up and havin they fits shared on platforms and s*** right? how i'm wrong? i'm not talkin style skills or if they cool as a person, i'm commenting on how most are nobodies outside this site and the people they personally know.
i've seen like one nigga in the wild online getting attention that be in here and he don't even be postin like that anymore
How do you know what people do outside of this website ☠️
this why they all blowin up and havin they fits shared on platforms and s*** right? how i'm wrong? i'm not talkin style skills or if they cool as a person, i'm commenting on how most are nobodies outside this site and the people they personally know.
i've seen like one nigga in the wild online getting attention that be in here and he don't even be postin like that anymore
dpthekid probably the most poppin in social media and he got absolutely clowned on here
How do you know what people do outside of this website ☠️
I don't.
That's why i said you could say that about anyone, unless you see anything
dpthekid probably the most poppin in social media and he got absolutely clowned on here
idk about most poppin
haven't seen him in a minute
Who next
Dawg the bracket is right there in OP, why'd you quote all of this
We're on the left side right now so just go to the pairing underneath the current match and you'll know