Has anyone ever successfully charged back money from cashapp with their bank? Like a jackass I sent someone just under 500 dollars expecting to be paid back, didn’t think I’d be ignored and ghosted shortly after sending it…if I can’t get it back it won’t be the end of the world but I also don’t want her getting away with it. Idc if my cashapp account gets banned but will I be able to successfully charge the money back with my bank? Or is it going to turn into more trouble than it’s worth for me? Again, really don’t want someone getting away with being a scamming POS so any help would be useful
You gotta pull up if you want that money back
Also if I request it through the bank idk what reason to give them, technically it’s not goods or services that weren’t delivered
cheap lesson to learn tbh
that’s how you get banned
I don’t give a f*** I’d rather have my money than access to an app I don’t even care about
cheap lesson to learn tbh
I think this is how I’m gonna have to look at it I just don’t want to accept defeat and give up on it…idc if I get banned from using them I just want my s*** back 😩