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    2 replies

    wait i will dm you when u fb. lol

    but send me a message with a lot more information about your situaton rn and if you need money then how much would be helpful

    Almost hit the ultimate lick on S too

  • I bet his name isn’t even really Vincent

  • Orangutan

    Almost hit the ultimate lick on S too

    Gonna be a whole lot of permas going around after this betrayal of trust

  • Saturday

    @OP What did you even need $5 for?

  • Big Tobacco

    This happens every single time he posts this bullshit. A bunch of gullible dumbasses send him money, someone finally mentions it’s f***ing weird, and then he goes ghost and doesn’t respond to anything. Rinse and repeat

    I wasn’t gonna comment cuz it feels like bad energy but it’s gotten so painfully obvious

    You got a dumbass a couple pages ago lying through his teeth like “I love all your posts bro”. When do you ever see this guy posting anything besides begging for money? You don’t need to d***ride every random on this website just cuz they said they’re depressed and it makes you feel better to feel like you’re “doing something” with ten dollars or whatever just cuz you don’t give back to your actual communities irl

    Op is a f***ing scumbag and should’ve been banned ages ago

    Who needs Hollywood when ktt threads have twists like this

  • @op has no f***ing shame lmfaooo

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    Almost hit the ultimate lick on S too

    Deserved tbh, S somewhere in his birth country of Israel spending premium money on bussy and cigarettes

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    what if Impossible is a co-conspirator and they planned this s\*\*\* on discord

    Only reason I thought op was legit was bc he himself wasn’t asking for money initially

    Oh f*** you might have just made the whole connection

  • Himothee

    what if Impossible is a co-conspirator and they planned this s\*\*\* on discord

    Only reason I thought op was legit was bc he himself wasn’t asking for money initially

    Edit: @insertcoolnamehere suggested I make a go fund me

    op from another thread

  • Ron Mexico

    Deserved tbh, S somewhere in his birth country of Israel spending premium money on bussy and cigarettes


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    What if OP just happens to be incredibly unlucky and we're all clowning on a suicidal homeless cancer survivor

  • Br00ses

    @Beautiful_Morning alt check right now

    Says 20 alts it's so busted

  • Malakas

    What if OP just happens to be incredibly unlucky and we're all clowning on a suicidal homeless cancer survivor

    Bro needs a job! Damn

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    @​S Cancel my KTT Premium and my monthly donations to the site. I am done, sir.

    Nooooo you were funding the new library in book section

  • Beautiful Morning

    Nooooo you were funding the new library in book section

  • Malakas

    I’m saying bro ts sus asl

  • DOGE Employee 🇺🇸
    1 reply

    @​S Cancel my KTT Premium and my monthly donations to the site. I am done, sir.

    Profit sharing for Premium Users starts next quarter bozo

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    Beautiful Morning

    Nooooo you were funding the new library in book section

    Somebody itt said S was using that money for prostitutes in Israel

  • WT777

    Oh f*** you might have just made the whole connection

    You feel me!!

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    Ron Mexico

    Somebody itt said S was using that money for prostitutes in Israel

    Scott does as he pleases

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    DOGE Employee

    Profit sharing for Premium Users starts next quarter bozo

    Premium user dividend otw?

  • insertcoolnamehere

    I know. I fell for it too.

    Silly ajani

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    Goddamn man such a low thing to do tbh. Faking suicide and dire conditions to get a quick buck smh

  • Beautiful Morning

    Scott does as he pleases

    Respect to him and his Mr. Mrs

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