Im not convinced the Ayer cut would have been so much better than what came out and it would redeem Leto's joker but i forgot how good this trailer was. DCEU was really building something. I imagined if they followed through with this vision there would have been soke good rivalry between DCEU and MCU with people claiming they are more mature for liking DC lol
This Ayer cut better be decent
I doubt it will be ZSJL level, but all this hype better justify the final product
Some of the dialogue leaked is awful
But I’ll support this just like ZSJL
I'm reading through some of the script on that twitter account and I'm certain Letos joker is still terrible
Lol wtf that sounds like when batman hinted at killing her for revenge in the snyder cut lmao
I'm reading through some of the script on that twitter account and I'm certain Letos joker is still terrible
Sure, it's the same performance afterall, but at least he d have a purpose to even be in the movie at all lmao
Some of the dialogue leaked is awful
But I’ll support this just like ZSJL
There's been great films that had bad dialogue yet still the acting is A1
Don't vote for Trudeau or Erin O'Toole when it's election time
Don’t you worry man , I’m voting for Ye
Also I think they already kissed in the movie "Focus"
they were definitely f***in.
Killer Croc had more lines than just "BET?"
Simple yet useful character/world building
I don't think the Ayer Cut will happen but damn, at least finish the Snyder Cut and give us more Darkseid.
1000000000000 times better than Diablo turning into a giant fire monster for a transformers battle