ayer deserves so much better
I’m dead serious. How would this movie benefit from more Ayer mid
I’m dead serious. How would this movie benefit from more Ayer mid
I mean have you seen the music
Poor guy comes off so thirsty to get it, every time anyone comments on it at all he's pouncing on it whereas snyder just played it cool
I’m dead serious. How would this movie benefit from more Ayer mid
The theatrical cut was edited by a trailer company, following the hype that came from the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer. The studio thought that’s what fans wanted, so they had the whole movie edited like a trailer
Which likely means no idiotic scene of him turning into a giant fire witch doctor to avoid losing his second family he just met that day
"It was well over a million feet of film that we shot for Suicide Squad, and it was such a big, big ensemble movie having so many characters that you have to introduce and set up their backstory and the end develop a camaraderie between them all. So, Suicide Squad was a challenge because we had so many characters and at some point we screened it for the studio and they wanted to take things in a different direction. Warner Bros wanted the origin of the characters to happen much closer to the beginning and insert a level of comedy into the film."
"We ended up having to restructure how the characters were introduced. That was something that we toyed with right up until the movie was finished. In the original structure, the characters are kind of introduced in linear fashion and the way that it ended up, we spent the first 20 minutes like bam, here's this guy, bam, here's this person, here's their origin, here's their backstory. So we kind of shoved everything into the viewer's face right up front so that we could get the story going. Whereas in the original structure, it kind of happened in many events. So you're, you know, 45 minutes in the movie and now we're meeting this person and seeing their backstory. So we found a way to make the film more efficient as far as opening up and introducing all the characters."
"Jared Leto, I thought, did a really good job of playing the Joker. I know there's a lot of opinions on the matter, but I really liked what he did. He really brought a psychotic character to life and because of the running time and because Jared provided so much material we were not able to use a lot of it. And for a lot of the material, we just couldn't find a purpose for it because sometimes he would just go off on such crazy, insane tangents and it would be really hard to weave it into the film. Sometimes it just wasn't appropriate for what he was doing but, it would have been nice to have more of that Joker character a little bit more fleshed out then what came out in the movie."
"I would like to see David's final version of the film. I saw what David was trying to do with the film and I thought it was a pretty bold film. It was less comedy. It was a much darker film. It was almost like a Black Hawk Down type thing. It was just very militarized, very serious. I mean, of course there were supposed to be comedic moments with Will Smith, but it was a darker film. I like where David was going with it and it would be really nice to see him be able to finish what he started. I don't know if that will happen now because of James Gunn’s reboot, which I haven't seen yet, but from the trailer it looks like a lot of fun. It definitely feels like a different vibe than what David Ayer would have made, but I am really looking forward to seeing what James Gunn did because I'm a big fan of his work."
I really do believe this man when he said he put his all into it, the bar scene had remnants of that.
Regardless how anyone feels it shows Warner Brothers incompetence when Snyder Cut was a success, and with Gunn getting full control, just let these guys do their f***ing thing. They're aware of the massive budgets, get the marketing team to work with the director to help sell their vision. This is why DCEU flopped, they just went in head first and audiences were sold "comic book movie" and they think "Marvel", a lot of people unfortunately still confuse Marvel and DC characters and THAT is where Warner Bros f***ed up. Should've just let the universe build but it's done now.
That documentary series is really about to be more entertaining than the film franchise itself, how to f*** up filmmaking 101 @SgtLeaf
Original cut was edited by Nolan’s editor
That s*** was some absolute heat and WB just got shook
Real af