OK but I didn't say men don't get raped in the first place so why did you feel the need to point it out?
He's referring to summer stating rape was only a women issue
gotta lock up this thread now tbh always ends up in a gender war
Summer Walker is a gender war herself
Someone trashing her isn't misogyny
First response do got a point though
none of these have a point otherwise i wouldn't use them
gotta lock up this thread now tbh always ends up in a gender war
should've been wrapped up after it was made
You literally said "How women have to deal with rape" like its something exclusive to women
Yeah women get raped more than men but its not a problem they deal with alone
Oh come on you know exactly what I mean, when you're walking late at night by yourself you're not thinking "I might get raped" but most women actually think that in such a situation, it's a real issue, talk to any women they'll tell you they had these thoughts at least once
weird niggas hoppin itt B****LESS
Keys response isnt misogynistic tbf
I zoomed past the rest to clown niggas for not cookin
You right tho
wild statement bruh
With her track record, nah
Not the first summer walker thread where the theme is f*** men
He's referring to summer stating rape was only a women issue
Its a way bigger issue for women
There are Issues men deal with more than women just like there are issues that women face more than men.
At the end of the day we gotta love and uplift one another
If you don’t shower don’t leave ur opinions on ktt. shower first
damn I guess I can only post every 3-4 days then
Men legit overall are terrible. But the thing is so are women. I've yet to meet one of these internet girls that preach support and being drama free .. idk how it is other places but in ATL...
"They aint gotta cook, clean, or look good"
i do these daily
Obviously to f*** with summer walker you don’t gotta do none of that
Its a way bigger issue for women
Ok but she said men don’t have to worry about being raped or kidnapped.
Black men and women are the most discriminated against group in America. I wish both sides would support each other more.
Yea its really unfortunate to see.
Black women saying "niggas ain't s***" and black men talking down on dark skin women and s***
Like don't you realize this is exactly what society wants you to do? We gotta do better and stick together man