  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    “On my skull the 666, no tricks
    When I catch fits, my mom picks up the crucifix
    And I kill chumps for the cheapest price
    I’m rollin’ with Satan, not Jesus Christ
    Enemies, I got several done
    Big L straight from hell, the motherfuckin’ Devil’s son”


    “Satan worshipper or thug would be my profile, read my file / I been a mean child for a while within a mystic style,”

    you're engaging way too passionately with that boy, bruh is in middle school

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    you're engaging way too passionately with that boy, bruh is in middle school

    I want him to know he’s wrong!

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    I want him to know he’s wrong!

    He said the guy that has "blood on my d*** cause I f***ed a corpse" is jesus rap man clearly @bonexylophone never listened to DMX in his life

  • Mar 7, 2023

    indeed, candles and bookshelves = witchcraft

    very nuanced and educated

    bro how are you that stubborn lmao

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    “On my skull the 666, no tricks
    When I catch fits, my mom picks up the crucifix
    And I kill chumps for the cheapest price
    I’m rollin’ with Satan, not Jesus Christ
    Enemies, I got several done
    Big L straight from hell, the motherfuckin’ Devil’s son”


    “Satan worshipper or thug would be my profile, read my file / I been a mean child for a while within a mystic style,”

    Oh cool when did they perform this at the Nickelodeon kids choice awards fam?

  • Mar 7, 2023

    No candles and bookshelves exclusively aren't witchcraft. Calling something an alter and literally having a sign that says you're a witch probably means you're a witch

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    He said the guy that has "blood on my d*** cause I f***ed a corpse" is jesus rap man clearly @bonexylophone never listened to DMX in his life

    You’re a genius dude!

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Oh cool when did they perform this at the Nickelodeon kids choice awards fam?

    Ice Cube performed on All That in the 90s my guy

  • Mar 7, 2023

    You’re a genius dude!

    thanks, if you need any tips before you attend college lmk I can give you some fire pointers

  • Mar 7, 2023

    A troll when she literally got a sign calling herself a witch You're the one that sounds like a troll rn


  • Mar 7, 2023

    Ice Cube performed on All That in the 90s my guy

    Ice Cube had a pentagrams and creepy contacts phase? You guys don’t even understand my, frankly extremely easy to understand argument. Just link me the video evidence of the mass public being exposed to rappers repping the devil. Like Marilyn Manson. But rappers. Ffs!

  • Mar 7, 2023
    3 replies

    witch falls under the umbrella term, Witchcraft

    They're very different

    And what's the relevance on what she's saying in OP?

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    They're very different

    And what's the relevance on what she's saying in OP?

    witchcraft itself isn't one thing. Voodoo, hoodoo, etc. all fall under the term, witchcraft. They're just different types

  • Mar 7, 2023

    They're very different

    And what's the relevance on what she's saying in OP?

    these people don’t think very hard about anything

  • Mar 7, 2023
  • Midzy

    They're very different

    And what's the relevance on what she's saying in OP?

  • Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies

    It’s entirely possible that I’ve forgotten something from back then, and that’s why I’m asking!

    Do you think Summer is just making up her weariness? Do you think she doesn’t know her rap history?

    The s*** Uzi, Carti, Nas X etc etc are doing just wasn’t done back then. It wasn’t!

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    witchcraft itself isn't one thing. Voodoo, hoodoo, etc. all fall under the term, witchcraft. They're just different types

    voodoo is a religious practice, witchcraft is (typically) secular and involves magick

    they’re similar but not the same, hence why there’s a distinction

  • Mar 7, 2023

    It’s entirely possible that I’ve forgotten something from back then, and that’s why I’m asking!

    Do you think Summer is just making up her weariness? Do you think she doesn’t know her rap history?

    The s*** Uzi, Carti, Nas X etc etc are doing just wasn’t done back then. It wasn’t!

    Shut up b****

  • Mar 7, 2023


    Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    these niggas see some candles and bookshelves and immediately relate it to the occult

    wait until they find out about African traditional religion

    I was about to make a post saying this but it's a deep one and I ain't having that with some yt in music sxn who could care less

  • Mar 7, 2023

    Just admit when you’re wrong. It is far better than doubling down on the wrong idea.

    If there were any examples of what I’m asking for, they’d be common knowledge here. I’ll take my W.

  • Mar 7, 2023
    1 reply

    It’s entirely possible that I’ve forgotten something from back then, and that’s why I’m asking!

    Do you think Summer is just making up her weariness? Do you think she doesn’t know her rap history?

    The s*** Uzi, Carti, Nas X etc etc are doing just wasn’t done back then. It wasn’t!

    Mar 7, 2023
    2 replies

    I guess you didn't look at the photo closely enough. Also not a c***lil boy

    see this is why. dumb mfs like this

  • Mar 7, 2023

    I was about to make a post saying this but it's a deep one and I ain't having that with some yt in music sxn who could care less

    ye tbh idek why i bother arguing w these dumbasses in this sxn

    gonna go get some food or something tbh
