London not on here at all
Very happy about this. He was watering down her sound
Like.... Okay? Maybe she consulted with her doctor first. She's pretty well off, I'm sure that she can afford doctors and dieticians...
If you follow summer you know she doesn’t believe in no doctors or science 🤣
She’s a loon but love her musically . Album gonna be fire
This looks like its gonna be a slap so Im not expecting it to be for me I want some RnB s***
Very happy about this. He was watering down her sound
I kinda agree with this honestly. Over It sounds like generic RnB but I like it so much lmao, it's the best I've heard it I guess
I kinda agree with this honestly. Over It sounds like generic RnB but I like it so much lmao, it's the best I've heard it I guess
Nah for sure it’s still good but those beats were underutilizing her talent
You came in this thread clearly to hate on this woman. Move along, no convo is to be had with a troll like you.
That dude always tries to derail threads of artists he doesn’t like with virtue signaling bullshit
Depending on the features I might peep but I’ve never really been able to get into Summer like that. Just doesn’t hit for me
Depending on the features I might peep but I’ve never really been able to get into Summer like that. Just doesn’t hit for me
Same here, outside of the songs she has with Party I’m just not into her like that. She’s respectable though as an artist.
Any real SZA news lately? I saw that fake "Alt" album announcement around Twitter but nothing real
Any real SZA news lately? I saw that fake "Alt" album announcement around Twitter but nothing real
This is the summer walker thread
This is the summer walker thread
Thank you I must have gotten lost. D***head
Nah. 120k maybe
That’s less than her last project , why do you think she’s going to sell that amount ?
Depending on the features I might peep but I’ve never really been able to get into Summer like that. Just doesn’t hit for me
Female pnd
That’s less than her last project , why do you think she’s going to sell that amount ?
Pure sales are dead now so I thought that a large % of those sales were pure sales but apparently over it only sold 14k pure. This will def do 150-200k then
Very happy about this. He was watering down her sound
glad im not the only one who thought this
Ex for a reason leaked
Sounds pretty good
Her vocals really on point. No noticable autotune like previous album