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  • Updated Jul 20, 2024

    I've seen this movie a few times. Never really noticed it before, but this came out a few years after District 9 and that scene from Inglorious B******s about King King.

    • An alien crashlands in America and just wants to go home
    • The state instead medically experiments on it, locks it up, and tries to mine value out of it.
    • The alien touches a black scientist who empathizes with it
    • The black scientist helps it escape and a manhunt ensues
    • A white authority figure has a black subordinate do a medical euthanasia on the black scientist in a very Tuskegee coded scene

    This is where it gets nasty

    • The alien is instinctually violent, it eats these white people, and they empathize with it as a form of cultural relativism
    • The whitest girl of all time is rescued from its grasp, this is just direct King Kong stuff
    • The army in the film are made to randomly fire on its own city due to the presence of the alien, literally destroying the pastoral Americana

    The film is set in the 70s with rise of crime right before the crack epidemic. The post war suburb is hollowed out as the economy tanks right before industrial jobs like the ones in the film go away. So the alien could also be a NAFTA commentary about Hispanics as well.

    The most intimate deaths in the film are of black people. A lot of other ones are simply cutaways. The scientist and the second in command especially. The end of the movie is basically just accepting the past, letting go. Making the best of what you have now. No crying over spilled milk.

  • Jul 20, 2024

    Deconstructing art is "schizo" now.

    Go play video games or something I guess. Peace

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