pending the incoming Luisangel breakout
rematch of a recent sb
flukey qb vs all time great
annoying celebrity that they highlight over the games
usher halftime show (this not that bad but)
cbs calling it
setting the stage for a boring ass Super Bowl to cap off this boring ass season
pending the incoming Luisangel breakout
As someone whose team employs Elian Soto the little brother thing is not something I'd get my hopes up for
But at least Luisangel is a real prospect
Drew Walls stan btw
Great content creator
rematch of a recent sb
flukey qb vs all time great
annoying celebrity that they highlight over the games
usher halftime show (this not that bad but)
cbs calling it
setting the stage for a boring ass Super Bowl to cap off this boring ass season
It should be a good game
come on bro
I’m just disgusted at the moment don’t mind me. I’d never leave the Mets behind I got too much logical attachment there
Jets I feel nothing about ever so
Who do we root for @ovocrew
They're playing rap music at this sushi restaurant.
Your roommate gonna let you get a turn on the PS4 when you get home?
rematch of a recent sb
flukey qb vs all time great
annoying celebrity that they highlight over the games
usher halftime show (this not that bad but)
cbs calling it
setting the stage for a boring ass Super Bowl to cap off this boring ass season
We watch for the commercials 🤣✌️✌️
As someone whose team employs Elian Soto the little brother thing is not something I'd get my hopes up for
But at least Luisangel is a real prospect
if he don’t work we just got Vladdy’s brother 😆
Your roommate gonna let you get a turn on the PS4 when you get home?
Gonna edge tbh
rematch of a recent sb
flukey qb vs all time great
annoying celebrity that they highlight over the games
usher halftime show (this not that bad but)
cbs calling it
setting the stage for a boring ass Super Bowl to cap off this boring ass season
Wym "not that bad"
He's the best R&B hitmaker ever