Cardi $188?
They taxing but I’ve been waiting too long for this I’m copping regardless
They taxing but I’ve been waiting too long for this I’m copping regardless
u got monieeeeeeeee
Looking like it’s going to come out soon
F*** this makes me want the tiger cardi instead of the black one but idk
This is hard but $188 smh
i need to know sizing i want it to fit like this smh
This is hard but $188 smh
wish i could find someone to alter that stussy 8ball knit to fit like this smh RT me @superhans
Friend is doing slots for week 9. 3 hours left to enter
wish i could find someone to alter that stussy 8ball knit to fit like this smh RT me @superhans
im gonna ask a tailor to do it when i get chance
im gonna ask a tailor to do it when i get chance
Godspeed, waiting on the results of yours before i do mine lmfao im scared
Got tiger cardigan in medium starting to have second thoughts about sizing tho
Want a looser fit does anyone know sizing on supreme’s mohair cardigans ?