her leaked texts to Swae Lee
Nah f*** that. How she gonna dish it out but can’t take it.
She can take something else
I love thick b****es i dont know why
Something to do with my aunt
wtf!!!!!!!!! someone gotta screenshot this
Accidentally saw swae Lee d*** pic while looking for that meme
wtf!!!!!!!!! someone gotta screenshot this
Imagine your taste in women not being influenced by your aunt
I don’t think she’s fat but she’s definitely a master of fat angles
Im not falling for these heaux tricks anymore
Imagine your taste in women not being influenced by your aunt
yeah.....im not from Alabama nigga
Im not falling for these heaux tricks anymore
Ive seen some ppl use the fat angles and still be sexy irl
lmao this culture of s***ting on ppl online and then being surprised when they blow smoke back is so corny
Ive seen some ppl use the fat angles and still be sexy irl
Risk assessment my brother
you brainlets cant possibly think im being serious
idk man im convinced youre attracted to your aunt now
Was just coming to say this lmao. She fired shots at him then wanted to cry about him sonning her
I agree with firing back, but this is hardly sonning her lol