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  • Jun 15, 2021
    4 replies

    I think alot of people who be in threads on this particular subject dont live in the real world

    if we keeping it a stack, half the time girls at that age are introducing themselves to older niggas. most of the girls (now women) in my hometown had no problem f***in a dude 2-3 years older than them

    maybe its just about where you're from ig

    Niggas be sheltered breh

    U go to college parties they be b****es from 18-24 in the joint gettin litty

  • Jun 15, 2021
    3 replies

    Ktt niggas stay infantizing young women

    niggas was treating Billie Eilish like Mother Mary

  • Jun 15, 2021

    bug eyed roach lookin mf

  • Jun 15, 2021

    heavy tatts at 18

    Hard af

    Hand tats >>>

    although her hand tat kinda ugly ngl

    i don't care if it makes someone look trashy

  • Jun 15, 2021

    niggas was treating Billie Eilish like Mother Mary


  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    niggas was treating Billie Eilish like Mother Mary

    mfers sayin that bout Billie when she say she can't wait to be 18 so she can start flaunting her s***appeal

  • No Future Awarded

    Niggas be sheltered breh

    U go to college parties they be b****es from 18-24 in the joint gettin litty

    in most spots if you aint going to college, you pretty much become an "ADULT" the second you step outta HS. kicked outta your crib, gotta pay for your own insurance, etc etc

    so somehow people that fit that category aint allowed to get d*** dropped off by someone a couple years older than you

  • Jun 15, 2021

    I think I know how to solve this issue in a way that will make everyone happy- women can be given the agency to decide who they f*** around age 60. At that age, they can have the freedom to f*** anyone within 1-1.5 years of their age, pending approval of the general public, otherwise it would be weird!

  • No Future Awarded

    Niggas be sheltered breh

    U go to college parties they be b****es from 18-24 in the joint gettin litty

    College aged people messing around is completely different

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    No Future Awarded

    Niggas be sheltered breh

    U go to college parties they be b****es from 18-24 in the joint gettin litty

    24 is VERY different from 18

    Can't tell me you don't notice a huge difference when talking to someone from both those ages.. they pretty much just all naive kids at that point

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    What’s the difference between someone one day away from turning 18 and someone one week after turning 18?

    lol the fact you won't go to jail afterwards is pretty different

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jun 15, 2021

    28 and 18 a big ass gap, I'm 24 and I could never date an 18 year old that s*** mad off base. 18 legal cross the globe tho so ain't s*** you can do about it unless we get some laws changed

    On the flipside I was 18 messing with 30+ year old women so I can't really talk about her decisions

  • Jun 15, 2021
    tomorrow volverse

    lol the fact you won't go to jail afterwards is pretty different

    17 is legal in a lot of states so

  • Jun 15, 2021

    it’s legal what are you gonna do about it

  • Jun 15, 2021
    2 replies

    I think alot of people who be in threads on this particular subject dont live in the real world

    if we keeping it a stack, half the time girls at that age are introducing themselves to older niggas. most of the girls (now women) in my hometown had no problem f***in a dude 2-3 years older than them

    maybe its just about where you're from ig

    A lot of these niggas roleplay on here, they not social at all and never were so they didnt see they late middle school/early HS classmates messin wit grown ass men

  • Reformed

    mfers sayin that bout Billie when she say she can't wait to be 18 so she can start flaunting her s***appeal

    you said it not me bro bro

    all I know is, her team been beating the drum on the subject of her body for a HOT ass minute now. they know what sells

  • Jun 15, 2021

    niggas was treating Billie Eilish like Mother Mary

    I think they little sisters turned out to be young thots and it traumatized them for life

    Now they projecting on every young woman

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    What is SHE doing with a 28 year old. Is she an imbecile? Like swae isnt forcing shordy lmao

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    24 is VERY different from 18

    Can't tell me you don't notice a huge difference when talking to someone from both those ages.. they pretty much just all naive kids at that point

    Me personally I’m 22

    Would stay away from most girls under 20 cuz the whole maturity barrier is too much to overcome for me

    But would I judge another man for doin so? No cuz it’s legal and I don’t p**** watch lol

    As long as niggas following the law wat can I really say

  • Jun 15, 2021

    are the people itt as old as swae lee?

    I am so yes

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply

    What is SHE doing with a 28 year old. Is she an imbecile? Like swae isnt forcing shordy lmao


    she a legal adult. She knows what she doin. Sick of dudes tryna make every woman a victim and treatin em like children.

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    So Illegal

    A lot of these niggas roleplay on here, they not social at all and never were so they didnt see they late middle school/early HS classmates messin wit grown ass men

    and I aint even tryna tell dudes that's right or wrong that they feel like that. Ideally in some perfect world everyone would be dating their same age. but that just aint the way s*** has ever worked

    as long as it aint some grooming s*** and its legal

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply
    So Illegal

    A lot of these niggas roleplay on here, they not social at all and never were so they didnt see they late middle school/early HS classmates messin wit grown ass men

    LMAO aye why u speakin facts tho

    8th grade I’m goin smack at b****es and they gettin picked up by juniors in HS after track practice

  • Jun 15, 2021
    1 reply


    she a legal adult. She knows what she doin. Sick of dudes tryna make every woman a victim and treatin em like children.

    The niggas on here dont get p**** its very blatant in their white knighting and believe ALL women bullshit

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