That song he had for Wayne on C5, man it's so bad im convinced yall live in an alternate Universe, because there's NO way anyone with working ears should have ever approved it.
Tldr swizz sucks worse than you think
He’s so bad it’s crazy.
He shouldn’t get credit for the classic he gave us. All credit should be giving to the legendary artist who skated on his crap and turned it into something decent.
He’s definitely not as bad as people say
But he gets mentioned as a great when he’s mid tier
summer on smash, f*** the entire planet for that song existence
You just know he hyped up that song in the studio and made nas ruin a flawless album
His verse on Lord Lord Lord is overhated, Mos Def set the bar way too high
“my beats go hard like f*** you d***s” cmon bro
“my beats go hard like f*** you d***s” cmon bro
Its the worst verse on the song for sure but I love the energy personally
They really gassing him the hell up lmao
Nah he deserves what he gets, just need Timbaland to start getting similar hate
boi you dumb as hell !
This an underrated Rocky joint
Love this song, but as always Swizz is just annoying
he made ruff ryders anthem, idc if you think everything else hes made is trash, just based on that song that man is ingrained in hip hop eternally