stop lmao I know you’re Asian but we don’t have a way of keeping track of users races and figuring out what is/isn’t acceptable so u gotta not be posting stuff like this
do you know that for sure tho?
cause i was white on ktt1 fyi
stop lmao I know you’re Asian but we don’t have a way of keeping track of users races and figuring out what is/isn’t acceptable so u gotta not be posting stuff like this
Zaywop has the mod team stressed out
Zaywop has the mod team stressed out
lol zaywop even worse for this the amount of reports he’s gotten is ridiculous
lmfao jk my b
Tiktokers when an artist tries to defend him/herself
Artists/actors/authors will never look good while defending their works. Unless it's some s*** that will ruin your finances or character assassination/hella personal, there's no need for the online back and forth.
sure, but then why go after someone who is obviously a fan of yours. theyre making a joke, not genuinely hating
I mean are you really a fan if you're recreating a meme who did a lot of damage to her self-confidence and made her insecure for months ? And then when called out the first thing she did is delete her comment instead of giving a genuine apology. Just because these white/asian kids spend a lot of money to have fun and be entertained at your shows doesn't mean they genuinely care about you.
lmfao jk my b
Ur good ur good just gotta give you the warning cause if things get reported and another mod actions it there’s not much we can do
I mean she acknowledged that she deleted it, she just did this thing where she brushed by everything she said or did for the whole video
Was a really like bold example of a victim complex
She was being a brat because hhaaha silly meme, got politely asked to not do it, deleted the comment, then even argued after that
yeah i just rewatched it and i def think this girl was out of line for deleting the comment, but i still think my main point stands. imo sza shouldnt even be giving these irrelevant mfs attention, but everybody reacts differently
Everything about her and her music is insecure
The slime you out verse for example. She bragging about f***ing a lame dude with no d*** game because she felt sorry for him? Lol what does she even get out of that relationship then
Just listened to her again on that track, man she’s f***ing weird wtf
Artists/actors/authors will never look good while defending their works. Unless it's some s*** that will ruin your finances or character assassination/hella personal, there's no need for the online back and forth.
Yea exactly
And when you’re an artist of any reasonable size let alone one of the 15 some biggest artists in the world you’re gonna be able to find whatever you go looking for said about you online that’s just the unfortunate nature of the social media world we live in
yeah i just rewatched it and i def think this girl was out of line for deleting the comment, but i still think my main point stands. imo sza shouldnt even be giving these irrelevant mfs attention, but everybody reacts differently
I agree, she shouldn't, but people are human and like emotions get to people obviously
Have a hard time focusing too hard on her when the girl was legitimately rude and then was obnoxious about it
Ok but of all things??? Someone recreating a years old twitter meme as a joke while attending her concert that they paid her money for
U ain't never heard the saying "the straw that broke the camels back?"
after reading the dm's SZA was actually pretty respectful too and all her points were valid ngl
after reading the dm's SZA was actually pretty respectful too and all her points were valid ngl
Mhm it's not like she flipped out and attacked her
The girl just was being lame about the whole thing
U ain't never heard the saying "the straw that broke the camels back?"
lol I do get that and I understand where sza’s reaction to it is coming from + I think if you’re gonna say something about someone online you gotta be prepared to get pressed on it
But I think my takeaway is still that an artist at the level of SZA needs to not be checking her tags or whatever if she has this level of reaction to stuff because this isn’t really productive in any way and doesn’t come across well for her either even tho I do understand where those feelings are stemming from for her
Lol yeah this a wild thing to be that upset at
I'd understand if they was making a personal attack on her, but when you're a big artist like sza a meme saying "sza wack" is the mildest thing you could find on the internet
You'd be responding to thousands of things if that's what the bar of things that piss you off is at. Which if that's the case you gotta get off the socials and hand that the over to your manager for your own peace of mind
Mhm it's not like she flipped out and attacked her
The girl just was being lame about the whole thing
ya her first reply wasn't great
Tricky situation.
But honestly, on an interpersonal level, SZA was right to defend herself and the girl was wrong for backbiting her. I know it was a meme (never heard of it until now tho) but at its core she was talking smack about SZA even if she didn’t mean it. Artists are human too.
I think the girl is definitely playing the victim but sza is also a superstar now and this girl is obviously a fan
I don’t think there’s anything wrong w sza’s initial comment but then getting into it in the dms like that is just unnecessary imo especially relative to the situation
All sza did was basically pour her heart out in those DMs about how that s*** made her feel and kindly asked for her to delete it, she never even said a word about the girl. Is it insecure? sure but it doesn't make her look "bad". Only one that looks bad is the girl who deleted Sza's comment and kept responding with paragraphs about how SZA should just take the joke even after Sza explained to her why it made her feel that way. Girl should've just apologized and let it go but she wanted to play victim
lol I do get that and I understand where sza’s reaction to it is coming from + I think if you’re gonna say something about someone online you gotta be prepared to get pressed on it
But I think my takeaway is still that an artist at the level of SZA needs to not be checking her tags or whatever if she has this level of reaction to stuff because this isn’t really productive in any way and doesn’t come across well for her either even tho I do understand where those feelings are stemming from for her
Shes very vocal about her team running her social media 90% of the time. I guess she must of really been on it this time or something
also “i’m an 18 year old!” don’t mean jack s***. there were 13 year olds on XBL dropping the hard R back in the day. s***s still wrong