I dont hear 1989 at all in this album it sounds like lover mixed with Melodrama by lorde
I dont hear 1989 at all in this album it sounds like lover mixed with Melodrama by lorde
I dont hear 1989 at all in this album it sounds like lover mixed with Melodrama by lorde
is the drake song on here
yes but you have to listen to the whole album first (legally) then a secret hidden 14th track opens up and it has a drake feature
yes but you have to listen to the whole album first (legally) then a secret hidden 14th track opens up and it has a drake feature
I dont hear 1989 at all in this album it sounds like lover mixed with Melodrama by lorde
being serious, if it ever does come out, it'll be on the Reputation re-release and we have no idea when that's dropping but it doesn't look like it's going to be her next album re-release or even the one after that.
Hack Antonoff strikes again
I have no idea what makes this guy so in-demand, he over-intellectualises pop music with bad results, and his mixing is disgusting
I dont hear 1989 at all in this album it sounds like lover mixed with Melodrama by lorde
so you're saying its aoty?
swifties not f***ing with it either
optimistic still
swfties not liking it means i may like it
Where did those Melodrama comparisons come from? Heard it in so many places and it couldn't be further from the truth, only Mastermind is kind of similar to that album. This album is like a reputation/Lover mix, make of that what you will
Speaking of that, Mastermind's chorus is eerily similar to Supercut, Lorde should sue And Antonoff needs to be locked up
Taylor has been releasing great albums since 2010 not sure why people still get surprised
hope she sees this bro
I dont hear 1989 at all in this album it sounds like lover mixed with Melodrama by lorde
Speaking of that, Mastermind's chorus is eerily similar to Supercut, Lorde should sue And Antonoff needs to be locked up
Dis man be piping swift? Mf damn nearly on all her albums?
Speaking of that, Mastermind's chorus is eerily similar to Supercut, Lorde should sue And Antonoff needs to be locked up