Only @tupacarti can save us
Only @tupacarti can save us
and @kennisgoodman
That's one of those guys who say Nas sucks in every thread for no reason
never posted in music he just s***ted on niggas dreams in creative showcase
y’all laughing and having a good time hating, which, sure why not,
All i’m saying is this dude worked hard as hell on producing until he got to this point.
Dude can seem a bit funny sometimes but has accomplished a lot. gotta give credit where it’s due
Why are you defending a predatory industry clown? Dude picks up random artists and drops them after 6 months if they don't generate a "hit" for him dude's a f***ing weirdo
did he s*** on your music off ktt 1
no he's just lame. i was barely on KTT1
I cant tell Internet Money and Take A Daytrip apart
Ones white and the other isnt
no he's just lame. i was barely on KTT1
taz a real one tbh. 💯
I never disrespect him anyone in that creative showcase from ktt1 prolly hates his guts and prolly hate him for the rants, but he proving s***.
never posted in music he just s***ted on niggas dreams in creative showcase
It was a joke lol
Why are you defending a predatory industry clown? Dude picks up random artists and drops them after 6 months if they don't generate a "hit" for him dude's a f***ing weirdo
lmao ... you should seen him on ktt1.
never posted in music he just s***ted on niggas dreams in creative showcase
Why? His label a prime example you don't need talent to make it
The TI$A nigga?
i still think I have a hat somewhere