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  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Man this thread f***in stinks

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Sep 30, 2023

    You would’ve taken a huge L in that case

    Teacher did the right thing, take the dive, play victim and get the go fund me bag. She could’ve easily gotten up, that s*** wasn’t thrown remotely hard

    But if she did what you said then the kid gets the go fund me bag. Move smarter bro if you see an opportunity for the victim bag you gotta take that

    Ur a chair throwing scientist or something

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    rich scouser

    Tbh I witness multiple assaults in my time in school on teacher. Yea teachers being KOd rare but A lot of minor stuff just doesn't get reported. Swept under the rug if you will...

    I feel bad for teachers as it's not their fault, their hands are tied behind their backs by administration and this soft era we're living in...

    I've actually been assaulted, but in no way are "half" the kids in school throwing chairs or even throwing fist at teachers. And if they are... they are mostly a specific type of child (refer back to my post).

  • Sep 30, 2023
    2 replies

    Despite the libs of tik tok this is what public school is half of the time lol

    I graduated about a decade ago, is this really what public school has devolved into?

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    I graduated about a decade ago, is this really what public school has devolved into?

    At my school it was mostly kid on kid violence, but I know some kids did throw s*** across the classroom

  • Sep 30, 2023

    libs of tiktok

    Member since 2023

  • Sep 30, 2023

    I've actually been assaulted, but in no way are "half" the kids in school throwing chairs or even throwing fist at teachers. And if they are... they are mostly a specific type of child (refer back to my post).

    I'm sorry to hear that fam y'all need better compensation for the s*** you deal with even if it's not usually chairs being thrown

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    I graduated about a decade ago, is this really what public school has devolved into?

    radically different depending on the area

    ur public schools r probably roughly the same as they used to be

  • Sep 30, 2023
    2 replies

    We need more athletic teachers im dodging that personally

  • Sep 30, 2023
    Smacked Voodoo

    Man this thread f***in stinks


  • Sep 30, 2023

    That kid is a Future criminal. Easily an assault charge regardless of who she was aiming at. This is why underfunded school districts continue to lose good teachers trying to make a difference. Idgaf if she has a rough home life. Using a chair as a weapon is assault

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    We need more athletic teachers im dodging that personally

    The teacher was looking in the opposite direction You're not dodging a chair thrown from behind you OldAssNigga

  • Sep 30, 2023

    We need more athletic teachers im dodging that personally

    i'm catching that s*** and tossing it straight back

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    radically different depending on the area

    ur public schools r probably roughly the same as they used to be

    Not sure, if you browse r/teachers on Reddit many say that it's even comparable to 5 years ago before COVID.

  • Sep 30, 2023

    At my school it was mostly kid on kid violence, but I know some kids did throw s*** across the classroom

    There was a total of one fight in class that can personally remember. The administration took our phones afterwards to make sure it "wasn't filmed". This was in 2011, so quite a long time ago.

  • Sep 30, 2023

    You would’ve taken a huge L in that case

    Teacher did the right thing, take the dive, play victim and get the go fund me bag. She could’ve easily gotten up, that s*** wasn’t thrown remotely hard

    But if she did what you said then the kid gets the go fund me bag. Move smarter bro if you see an opportunity for the victim bag you gotta take that

    That's 2023 mentality. back in 1700s if you felt like someone even thought about killing you you would go kil them first marry their daughter take their money start a gang turn it into a rebel army and establish an Empire.

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    Not sure, if you browse r/teachers on Reddit many say that it's even comparable to 5 years ago before COVID.

    i wouldn't touch reddit w a 30 foot pole

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    i wouldn't touch reddit w a 30 foot pole

    I slightly agree that some of those communities are terrible, but some aren't bad at all. I rarely actually even post comments but I do lurk a lot on it, and I

    have to say that

    Some opinions are agreeable on there but those mainstream subs are absolutely so embarrassing.

    Haha my heckin pupper bro!! The cake is such a lie xD.

    At the same time lots of reddit hate comes from places like X/Twitter or TikTok so you can't really take it at face value.

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    I slightly agree that some of those communities are terrible, but some aren't bad at all. I rarely actually even post comments but I do lurk a lot on it, and I

    have to say that

    Some opinions are agreeable on there but those mainstream subs are absolutely so embarrassing.

    Haha my heckin pupper bro!! The cake is such a lie xD.

    At the same time lots of reddit hate comes from places like X/Twitter or TikTok so you can't really take it at face value.

    i wouldn't touch twitter or tiktok w a 30 ft pole either

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    i wouldn't touch twitter or tiktok w a 30 ft pole either

    That's why I like you.

    Off topic but can you perhaps gift me some !dream tokens?

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    That's why I like you.

    Off topic but can you perhaps gift me some !dream tokens?

    how i do that lol

  • Sep 30, 2023

    I enter this thread thinking we are about to react to a teacher getting KO'd by a student but instead I'm getting Libs of KTT crying about Libs of TikTok throughout several pages.

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    how i do that lol

    ! gift

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude

    ! gift

    im going to need more instruction lol

  • Sep 30, 2023
    1 reply

    im going to need more instruction lol

    @ my account.

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