Not having a father, brother, or any other male figure around really f***ed me up a LOT.
I really wonder how I wouldve turned out if i never left. wouldve been interesting to see. #iguesswellneverknow
Honestly man going thru that s*** def sped up my maturation process a couple years i was a complete idiot
Mannnnnn i really missed out by never going to africa and gaining some culture instead i had to deal with filthy ass pajeets
Mannnnnn i really missed out by never going to africa and gaining some culture instead i had to deal with filthy ass pajeets
Or abu dhabi before man. Why couldn't everything be different
I find it funny someone was literally on their deathbed and your first response is nah lets keep this private
Yeah let's Keep it private but invite a nigga who has no relation to the fam
Bro i would crash out so hard if ma became my bro in law lmfao like whatt poor zak
Abdi-k man something is mentally wrong with this nigga But he so solid what ima do tbh