lmao ig u just a b**** then
a little w****. u dont get no p**** neither. i hope them e-streets treat u well bc u not getting no love elsewhere.
If you anti snitching, that’s you but keep the same energy for everyone then. Doing mental gymnastics when it’s someone you like just makes you look dumb.
Snitching isn't a thing
D*** dealing is a business and if you're dumb enough to make it more than that that's on you lmao. I respect not snitching and idc about retaliation against snitches by their former associates but pretending like I'm going to hate some public figure for being a snitch is just cap. I don't care at all that Gunna or 6ix9ine snitched lmao dirty businesses gonna have dirty players. Go legit when you get the chance.
Edit: Would I snitch? No, but I also wouldn't deal d**** unless I had no other realistic option to make a decent living. It's not cool or glamorous to deal d****. It's desperation
U mad
mad implies i have some investment in u and what u say
this is a mistaken assumption. telling you abt how ur a b**** and a loser is strictly business, and commands the same amount of effort as scraping gum off the bottom of my shoe.
go jerk off or something, gtfo this site
mad implies i have some investment in u and what u say
this is a mistaken assumption. telling you abt how ur a b**** and a loser is strictly business, and commands the same amount of effort as scraping gum off the bottom of my shoe.
go jerk off or something, gtfo this site
mad implies i have some investment in u and what u say
this is a mistaken assumption. telling you abt how ur a b**** and a loser is strictly business, and commands the same amount of effort as scraping gum off the bottom of my shoe.
go jerk off or something, gtfo this site
But fr tho… I’m your head and you’re letting me live there rent-free
From OG to lil bro, you gotta work on that if you want to be more successful in life