  • Jun 18, 2023
    1 reply
    iWorship engels

    My favorite prostitute ever , the only one I’ve ever really hit up more than once or twice tried to stop letting me f*** because I took my condom off without telling her , and then a week or so later I tried to f*** again and she blocked my number so I used a different number to get her to let me in her hotel room and she let me f*** but she told me that the reason why she blocked me was because I left a skidmark on the bed last time I was there , it took me a long time to figure out that she was lying and was just mad / creeped out by me because of the condom thing

    you a whole filthy rapist man

  • Jun 18, 2023
    iWorship engels

    My favorite prostitute ever , the only one I’ve ever really hit up more than once or twice tried to stop letting me f*** because I took my condom off without telling her , and then a week or so later I tried to f*** again and she blocked my number so I used a different number to get her to let me in her hotel room and she let me f*** but she told me that the reason why she blocked me was because I left a skidmark on the bed last time I was there , it took me a long time to figure out that she was lying and was just mad / creeped out by me because of the condom thing

    Sicko Mode

  • Jun 19, 2023
    1 reply
    Theory Talk Trader

    you a whole filthy rapist man


    a rapist ? nigga I had s***with dat b**** multiple times after dat happened

  • fun guy

    this accounts a bot

    you actually are f***ing ed

  • Jun 19, 2023
    2 replies

    my favorite prostitute ever 😍

    Nigga u listen to swae lee , lil yachty and destroy lonely , but unironically

    Swyd bih

  • Jun 19, 2023
    1 reply
    iWorship engels

    a rapist ? nigga I had s***with dat b**** multiple times after dat happened

    taking off a condom mid s***without asking for consent is sexual assault dipshit

  • Jun 19, 2023
    1 reply
    iWorship engels

    My favorite prostitute ever , the only one I’ve ever really hit up more than once or twice tried to stop letting me f*** because I took my condom off without telling her , and then a week or so later I tried to f*** again and she blocked my number so I used a different number to get her to let me in her hotel room and she let me f*** but she told me that the reason why she blocked me was because I left a skidmark on the bed last time I was there , it took me a long time to figure out that she was lying and was just mad / creeped out by me because of the condom thing

    guess the account registry year

  • Jun 19, 2023
    4 replies
    Theory Talk Trader

    taking off a condom mid s***without asking for consent is sexual assault dipshit

    This is like a d*** dealer telling niggas to use better manners . like bruh u got a point but at the end of the day the s*** is illegal so i was exploring what strings could be pulled an inch to push a mile forward , and im not tryna hear all dat s*** in any case . you can call me one million things but not a rapist

  • Jun 19, 2023
    1 reply
    iWorship engels

    Nigga u listen to swae lee , lil yachty and destroy lonely , but unironically

    Swyd bih

    listening to music > committing sexual assault

  • Jun 19, 2023
    1 reply

    guess the account registry year

    Way to contribute to the thread homie you deserve every heart in the top right corner of this post you’re given

  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    Way to contribute to the thread homie you deserve every heart in the top right corner of this post you’re given

    way to contribute to the number of sexual assaults committed yearly

  • This one joint had a like for RDH post (rate, date, hate) and like a dumbass I liked the post and she rated me a 1

    And had some niggas being it back up at school the next day. It was humbling experience

  • sonyatv 😽
    Jun 19, 2023
    1 reply
    iWorship engels

    This is like a d*** dealer telling niggas to use better manners . like bruh u got a point but at the end of the day the s*** is illegal so i was exploring what strings could be pulled an inch to push a mile forward , and im not tryna hear all dat s*** in any case . you can call me one million things but not a rapist

    oh wow this makes it worse actually

    you are a psychopath

  • Jun 19, 2023

    In High school I tried to spit game to a girl I liked for years. I was so nervous I stumbled and mumbled all my words and had to repeat myself at least 4 times, she said she'd holla at me and I never heard from her again lol

    Damn u just like me

  • Jun 19, 2023
    2 replies

    listening to music > committing sexual assault

    You know what unfortunately i have come to two realizations , because while my actions that day will be perceived as sexual assault , i have determined that That still isnt as bad as listening to swae lee on purpose . for what it’s worth i will apologize to that girl the next time we f*** and i plan to let anyone reading the whats on your mind thread know how it goes

  • sonyatv

    oh wow this makes it worse actually

    you are a psychopath

    This is a society and u live in it

  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    My favorite prostitute ever , the only one I’ve ever really hit up more than once or twice tried to stop letting me f*** because I took my condom off without telling her , and then a week or so later I tried to f*** again and she blocked my number so I used a different number to get her to let me in her hotel room and she let me f*** but she told me that the reason why she blocked me was because I left a skidmark on the bed last time I was there , it took me a long time to figure out that she was lying and was just mad / creeped out by me because of the condom thing

    You nasty motherfucker

  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    Nigga u listen to swae lee , lil yachty and destroy lonely , but unironically

    Swyd bih

  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    This is like a d*** dealer telling niggas to use better manners . like bruh u got a point but at the end of the day the s*** is illegal so i was exploring what strings could be pulled an inch to push a mile forward , and im not tryna hear all dat s*** in any case . you can call me one million things but not a rapist


  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    You know what unfortunately i have come to two realizations , because while my actions that day will be perceived as sexual assault , i have determined that That still isnt as bad as listening to swae lee on purpose . for what it’s worth i will apologize to that girl the next time we f*** and i plan to let anyone reading the whats on your mind thread know how it goes

    I respect the attitude

    L to u for her not being cool with u going raw tho

  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    You know what unfortunately i have come to two realizations , because while my actions that day will be perceived as sexual assault , i have determined that That still isnt as bad as listening to swae lee on purpose . for what it’s worth i will apologize to that girl the next time we f*** and i plan to let anyone reading the whats on your mind thread know how it goes

  • Jun 19, 2023

    I tried to do a funny voice when I got called on to read in class, and NOBODY laughed. Dead quiet whole time. Then some guy said "...okay?" when I finished and everybody laughed.

  • Jun 19, 2023

    When I made a ktt acount

  • Jun 19, 2023
    iWorship engels

    My favorite prostitute ever , the only one I’ve ever really hit up more than once or twice tried to stop letting me f*** because I took my condom off without telling her , and then a week or so later I tried to f*** again and she blocked my number so I used a different number to get her to let me in her hotel room and she let me f*** but she told me that the reason why she blocked me was because I left a skidmark on the bed last time I was there , it took me a long time to figure out that she was lying and was just mad / creeped out by me because of the condom thing

    11 replies 0 likes

  • Jun 19, 2023

    The whole thing 😎