Miwako has a funny thing going on with her mouth. Like her left side can’t smile
Yamasato’s wife looks like THAT?!?!!
i need to start telling jokes immediately
He won smh. Crazy considering how goofy he looks with this haircut in next door
Also I can’t believe they just grazed over the fact that Oji smashed Momo before she left
Didn’t even mention it
Should I start with the oldest first ?
Miwako has a funny thing going on with her mouth. Like her left side can’t smile
YUPPP she still cute tho
Should I start with the oldest first ?
if u cool with torrenting: boys & girls next door
if not: boys & girls in the city
Also I can’t believe they just grazed over the fact that Oji smashed Momo before she left
Didn’t even mention it
i remember that dude being michael jackson lvl weird
Should I start with the oldest first ?
If you want the most organic, raw, and real version of Terrace House yes.
Kenny to Haruka: “i dont see you as a potential partner”
Risako 1 - Haruka 00000000
Edit: i dont see myself having romantic feelings for you
why is Haruka leading on the Ukulele kid? u aint gone f*** him so leave him alone
i dont like this at all
when Kaori zipped up Ruka's open backpack like a little kid
the date was over before it even began
Yamasato’s wife looks like THAT?!?!!
i need to start telling jokes immediately
u didnt see that part?
I’m not looking at the screen 100% of the time when the panel is on
I’m not looking at the screen 100% of the time when the panel is on
well without reading subtitles im lost so im glued to the screen
well without reading subtitles im lost so im glued to the screen
I just zone out when the panel is on something lol
We don’t always need to know how they feel even though they make the show that more amazing
o wow just got to the explicit part
i do wish it was a housemate (Risako ) showing titties but ill take what i can get
I just zone out when the panel is on something lol
We don’t always need to know how they feel even though they make the show that more amazing
first part of next door is without a panel and the vibe is completely different. they make the show
Need more shows like Terrace House.
tried to look up asian shows to watch after im caught up with all of Terrace House, but they all look like soap operas for 12 year olds. im gonna take a blind leap of faith and watch one anyways.