'James Fauntleroy,Kendrick Lamar,Beastie Boys,Quincy Jones & so many more. I can tell by the texture of the music that I was completely confident yet completely uncomfortable.
Would you like to hear any of this stuff?'
realizing 17 years ago was 2008
realizing 17 years ago was 2008
realizing 17 years ago was 2008
closest i felt to feeling old
How tf he got s*** with the beastie boys from 2008 lol?
What the f*** ?????
Kendrick been working with the same core producers his whole career
Wait you can fix corrupted hard drives or he saying he found it lol
yes and yes
realizing 17 years ago was 2008
Slime me
that was the year i got on itunes/ limewire in middle school
i still have s*** i downloaded from back than on a hardrive for back up