bless me dad
Dont act like Prince of Egypt dont knock
i remember when he was hyping up a movie about Saint Peter but ill just as gladly take a Terry flick about Jesus Christ
The Tree of Life
Knight of Cups
Voyage of Time
imagine thinking your fav had a better run in the 2010s
Dont act like Prince of Egypt dont knock
it does but still, a biblical drama usually isn't my thing
it does but still, a biblical drama usually isn't my thing
Ever peep Passion of The Christ or Scorsese Last Temptation of Christ
Ever peep Passion of The Christ or Scorsese Last Temptation of Christ
Last Temptation yeah, one my least favorite scorsese films
Last Temptation yeah, one my least favorite scorsese films
Harvey keitel as judas with his New York accent had me weakk def not one of Scorsese’s finest
Harvey keitel as judas with his New York accent had me weakk def not one of Scorsese’s finest
forgot about that
Harvey keitel as judas with his New York accent had me weakk def not one of Scorsese’s finest
lmao harry Dean Stanton in that movie too the casting is wild. still an amazing movie tho. David Bowie as Roman general
The Tree of Life
Knight of Cups
Voyage of Time
imagine thinking your fav had a better run in the 2010s
this nigga said knight of cups
Movie is in post production now and has had its title changed to "The Way of the Wind." Looking like a 2021 premiere at Cannes.
I have the strangest relationship with malick movies, polar opposite of what I would vibe with in a movie yet at the same time some of the most influential and memorable s*** I've seen and I can't explain any of it
Days of Heaven and The Tree of Life are still lingering in my mind years after watching them.
lookin forward to it