Just watched this movie about an hour ago. This is must-see movie if you're a horror fan. It's like "Smile" but on steroids. It's about this neighborhood thats being haunted by paranomal interdimensional beings and paranormal investigators try to document whats going on. I was genuinely scared watching this movie and felt goosebumps not even half-way through it.
Just watched this movie about an hour ago. This is must-see movie if you're a horror fan. It's like "Smile" but on steroids. It's about this neighborhood thats being haunted by paranomal interdimensional beings and paranormal investigators try to document whats going on. I was genuinely scared watching this movie and felt goosebumps not even half-way through it.
Is it much better than smile? Cause that movie was
Is it much better than smile? Cause that movie was
wayyyy better. This movie was inspired the director to make "smile"
wayyyy better. This movie was inspired the director to make "smile"
That’s what i wanted to hear, always felt smile had a ton of potential that it did NOT deliver on 😅
I thought it was ok. Had some cool elements to it. I checked it out after watching when evil lurks. Now that’s a crazy movie.