  • Apr 19, 2022
    paradise valley

    we had a thread about this

    according to KTT users, if you don't have a car you are just broke and an embarrassment

    Well let me be broke then. We wont have much to be happy about being "rich" when s***s hit the fan soon. Imagine in 2050 many of you will be the age of your parents now. Idk if having a car will even be affordable then. Having Public transportation would have helped if things get harder but you americans are just stupid and will learn the very very very hard way that they have been the villains all along.

    One exemple y'all made electric cars cool back in the 70s or something but the companies said no we cannibalising our gasoline gussling super cars profits. And they litterally took the cars from the people and destroyed then.

    Y'ALL HAD THE CHANCE TO MAKE THIS S*** BUT Y'ALL WHAT THEM PROFITS. I have no say in this i am just a first gen african immigrant living in europe.

    All this s*** makes me angry f*** y'all for making hell real.

    Sry for ranting

  • Apr 19, 2022
    Troy Ave Stan

    And you still got virgin KTT nerds that love this guy and Bezos 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

  • Apr 20, 2022
    Prison Mike

    I mean doesn’t Apple do the same thing

    Elon is an easier target to attack so he’s just the proxy for billionaire hatred at this point

  • Apr 20, 2022
    1 reply

    The Chinese have been fumbling the Shanghai lockdown from day 1. Heads are gonna roll in the city’s administration after this is done

  • Apr 20, 2022
    1 reply

    The Chinese have been fumbling the Shanghai lockdown from day 1. Heads are gonna roll in the city’s administration after this is done

    noticed u been getting more critical on china recently

  • Apr 20, 2022

    noticed u been getting more critical on china recently

    Learning about China not being some hellhole was cathartic and I went down the rabbit hole

    The reality is every system has f***ups. It’s about what causes those f***ups and how they’re responded to

  • Apr 20, 2022

    They welded ppl shut into their homes in shanghai


  • WFH

    Progress always comes at the expense of other's pain

    Since the era of North American slavery cathedrals have been built on the back of an exploitative workforce

    Fortunately for a lot of us we live within some yet limited privilege where we don't have to resort to these means in order to provide for ourselves or our family

    We can huff and puff and get upset but ultimately we take part in this corrupt practice as consumers. Very rarely do we think about the labor and toll it takes to get that iPhone or Galaxy in your hand or the bloodshed and tears that are required to produce your PC or MacBook

    It's true. It's why I try to use everything I buy to the very brittle end. I don't like wasting money on s*** I don't use for a long time.

    I still wear some clothes from highschool, and if they don't fit then I just donate or resell them

  • Elon musk homeless. On brand for the company

  • Apr 20, 2022

    So can i just say that humanity is dumb especially america to propagade that cars are the symbol of individual freedom instead of just having a working public transportation that even include self driving cars or driving service and make the need for so many parking unnecessary. People wouldnt do accident as only selected people are even able to drive and these people would only have experience drivers on the road. Like who wouldnt want to live in a world where everyone is driven everywhere. For the people who apperently enjoy driving they just get special roads for motorsport.

    Spittin facts

  • Apr 20, 2022
    1 reply

    sit at home and starve or labor for a greedy capitalist who is exploiting the Earth's dwindling resources and sleep on the factory floor

    but it's not forced!

    good god you guys are brainwashed

    Okay but if it's that not the government's fault not Tesla?

  • Apr 20, 2022

    Wtf man

  • Apr 20, 2022

    Teslas come with a mattress, them workers iight, &shitt they sleepin better than me

  • Apr 20, 2022

    Honestly im Musk biggest critic but this seems more like a China issue from what I'm reading they are really messing up the whole lock down

  • Apr 20, 2022

    Hmmm I heard China was the promised land🤔🤔 far away from the evil capitalism of the west

    China capitalist af lol, one of the worst offenders too. Don't believe the communists on ktt my man. They also still back Russia, while no longer communist at all. Why? Idk

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Apr 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Did you read the article? The Shanghai government is encouraging factories to reopen only if they implement this. The title implies this is only happening at Tesla

    The tweet implies Musk personally hands them mattresses lol

  • 8J6 🤴🏼
    Apr 20, 2022

    Looks like China is giving the money to businesses, not workers:

    Literally read any article on the lockdown. People have been strictly confined to their homes for a month or more, with no money & no food.

    Tesla is providing pay (plus extra during lockdown) & 3 meals a day, whereas China’s government is not.

    I’m a ktt user and Elon Musk makes me angry 😤

  • Apr 20, 2022

    The tweet implies Musk personally hands them mattresses lol

    For me it's wrong the way billionaires and s*** get idolised by some

    But I don't think making boogiemen of them individually is particularly helpful... And hey I'm not saying that people can't hate or abuse Musk. Only that if he dropped dead tomorrow you would get people celebrating that as though it was some sort of victory, Even though he would be replaced at Tesla by someone the same or worse

    I'm not falling into the trap of this celebrity culture, love or hate .... The system and laws are the problem

  • Apr 20, 2022


  • plants 🌻
    Apr 20, 2022

    Okay but if it's that not the government's fault not Tesla?

    exploitation is exploitation

  • Apr 20, 2022

    Is that one herb still in here caping for musk

  • imagine elon handing out mattresses? 😳

    elon: mmmm have some some mattresses 🛏 🤔
    chinese worker: you are elon musk 😨
    elon: hello chinaman the cyber truck needs to be more sturdy mmmm great 😎
    chinese worker: i have a family, i can’t sleep like this you stupid stupid gweilo 😒

    Gwái (鬼) means "ghost" or "devil", and lóu (佬) means "man" or "guy". The literal translation of gwáilóu would thus be "ghostly man" or "devil man".3 It is sometimes translated into English as "foreign devil".4 In Chinese, "ghost" can be a derogatory term used as a curse or an insult.5