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  • CASES DOWN 90%.

  • Mar 3, 2021
    2 replies

    aight the suge avi is confirmed stupid

    hes trolling

  • Mar 3, 2021
    2 replies

    Even the people on social media who act like they’re wearing masks and social distancing are just pretending to do those things so they seem like a good person to others

    When I run into them in real life they’re giving daps and hugs and not wearing a mask

    That’s when I knew all this was bullshit perpetuated by the news (who are profiting the most off of everyone staying inside glued to their stations, which is why they want people to continue being scared) and echo chambers of people who live on the internet lol

  • Mar 3, 2021

    hes trolling

    ik but it's fun responding

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Very Peaceful

    Even the people on social media who act like they’re wearing masks and social distancing are just pretending to do those things so they seem like a good person to others

    When I run into them in real life they’re giving daps and hugs and not wearing a mask

    That’s when I knew all this was bullshit perpetuated by the news (who are profiting the most off of everyone staying inside glued to their stations, which is why they want people to continue being scared) and echo chambers of people who live on the internet lol

    also who is "they" you mentioned in your post, are you implying anything at all?

  • Mar 3, 2021
    Very Peaceful

    Even the people on social media who act like they’re wearing masks and social distancing are just pretending to do those things so they seem like a good person to others

    When I run into them in real life they’re giving daps and hugs and not wearing a mask

    That’s when I knew all this was bullshit perpetuated by the news (who are profiting the most off of everyone staying inside glued to their stations, which is why they want people to continue being scared) and echo chambers of people who live on the internet lol

    In real life. Not in fake life right. Or in pretend life.

  • Mar 3, 2021

    also who is "they" you mentioned in your post, are you implying anything at all?

    They don’t want you to succeed. LION! - Khaled

  • Mar 3, 2021

    anyone time to leave again, the stupidity itt is depressing

  • Y’all want masks until there’s not ONE covid case on planet earth

    Sorry to bear the news but covid will be here every fall and winter

    The lockdowns must end
    ALL mandates must end.

  • Mar 3, 2021

    hes trolling

    alright thank god

  • Mar 3, 2021

    y’all bout dumb as s*** in here

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