But will fight tooth and nail to obstruct student loan debt forgiveness when it's a predatory practice designed to force young people into paying a bill they signed up for when their brains couldn't even comprehend the long term impacts
You can't legally smoke or drink in Texas until you're 21, but you can get saddled with lifelong crippling debt that you don't understand because you were 17 last week and just graduated highschool
And be shipped off to die in someone's war, to pay those bills, for a career you probably won't even get paid enough to live off of
I wish every person over the age of 45 would just die NGL.
I hate this so much because it's literally the only reason why my girlfriend refuses to consider moving to Texas.
make texas mexico again
I’m so proud of my country
I hate this so much because it's literally the only reason why my girlfriend refuses to consider moving to Texas.
I live here and it’s not worth it tbh
When I was as young as 15, I could foresee the financial impact a huge loan with high interest would have on me in the future. My classmates generally understood this as well, and still went along with a student loan despite that (stupid imo). 18 is more than old enough to realize your going to f*** yourself by taking on a financial burden like that.
Is it really that common for college educated individuals to “not understand” the loan they’ve signed their name on? That’s an alarming implication for our future if so
When I was as young as 15, I could foresee the financial impact a huge loan with high interest would have on me in the future. My classmates generally understood this as well, and still went along with a student loan despite that (stupid imo). 18 is more than old enough to realize your going to f*** yourself by taking on a financial burden like that.
Is it really that common for college educated individuals to “not understand” the loan they’ve signed their name on? That’s an alarming implication for our future if so
You might have a vague notion, but you don't understand even if you think you did.
Teenagers aren't developed enough to have long term decision making skills, that's why they do a lot of dumb s*** to test what they can get away with. Teaching a teenager about compound interest is useless. They will inevitably f*** it up anyways because they're teenagers.
Interest rates don't really mean anything in a vacuum. It's kinda why you have to have a developed credit score and some age to get a car loan or a mortgage.
We can gatekeep those, but not something infinitely more needed like higher education?
@iamiguel It is very hyperbolic but a good case can be made the boomer generation (60+ ) legitimately ruined the potential of future generaitons of this country by putting they own wants above those of the common man.
Yeah, I could see how people of the affected generations would want that generation to die. (I'd personally go back in time to the 1700s with a nuclear bomb for half of Europe )
Pro-life is always funny cause them niggas sho nuff don't wanna provide state wide paid maternity leave.
Strictly money purposes.