Please let me know what you think of it
I haven't listened but I am very familiar with all these tracks. I had my own "Carter 3 sessions" playlist album back in the day of iTunes which I used to bump regularly. I naturally drifted away from it when the age of streaming went in and eventually forgot about the greatness which is the Carter 3 sessions (a run like no other rapper has been able to reproduce). All the tracks on the playlist are fire and I can't wait to dive back in when I get a chance.
I haven't listened but I am very familiar with all these tracks. I had my own "Carter 3 sessions" playlist album back in the day of iTunes which I used to bump regularly. I naturally drifted away from it when the age of streaming went in and eventually forgot about the greatness which is the Carter 3 sessions (a run like no other rapper has been able to reproduce). All the tracks on the playlist are fire and I can't wait to dive back in when I get a chance.
The sequencing on this was very thought out
Thank you for this as a young-ish wayne fan I was a child during C3 era and only heard the actual album but I been wanted to hear the OG tape but never knew what’s the definitive way to approach it
Why not split it into tracks tho?
Thank you for this as a young-ish wayne fan I was a child during C3 era and only heard the actual album but I been wanted to hear the OG tape but never knew what’s the definitive way to approach it
Why not split it into tracks tho?
The one track approach was to make the transitions as good as possible. But I might work on a split version I just wanted to see what people thought of this one. Really this was made as a work in progress and I just decided to share it
What’s the quality on these my boy
Highest quality available for this material as far as I know
it is hard to put into context and words how good this era was , peak myspace … drought 2/3 the leaks where amazing
This is better than that imo and keeps most of the essential tracks from there, of course this was an influence and a big moment but it has some C2 tracks and tracks that doesn’t need to be there
The only C2 era track it has is What He Does
The one track approach was to make the transitions as good as possible. But I might work on a split version I just wanted to see what people thought of this one. Really this was made as a work in progress and I just decided to share it
Slide the split off version if you can whenever you’re done with it man
Slide the split off version if you can whenever you’re done with it man
Give the current version a listen and give feedback to help out fam
The only C2 era track it has is What He Does
Still, the sequencing is far from perfect
RappaPomPom is one of my favorite Wayne songs ever
RappaPomPom is one of my favorite Wayne songs ever
Real. I think you’ll find the placement and transition into Do It Again to be flawless