Viet bruh I was also excited for this performance and I wish I was there and will watch the replay
But you do come off as a paid promoter for Fred again sometimes
I could care less tbh, KTT used to have its finger on the pulse. How would it look if we missed out on having discourse for this historic shift that’s happening in music rn?
Looked fun, but I can only imagine that people who were there originally for Frank would be high on Copium.
EDM is making the comeback
How can you make dance music if you can't dance?
You can have someone else in the studio to test it
we got mfs bobbing heads to wobble wobble poopstep in 2023, fred again did the impossible fr.
Did they play any Four Tet solo songs?
Don’t know his discography
his discog is like brian eno ambient s***
twitter videos in OP are KILLING me man wtf do people be listening to
sad state of affairs
Alright. Calm down. The set was good but y'all twitter mfs blow Fred Again out of proportion like he's the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I could care less tbh, KTT used to have its finger on the pulse. How would it look if we missed out on having discourse for this historic shift that’s happening in music rn?
Fred again ain't some underground dude man he grew up with Brian Eno, went to private school and his father is my country's highest ranking Lawyer and his family comes from our socialites
Fred Again is literally a real life true nepo baby
Not that it matters because so are Disclosure but man how can you pretend to push Fred - his family does enough of that
I could care less tbh, KTT used to have its finger on the pulse. How would it look if we missed out on having discourse for this historic shift that’s happening in music rn?
"He's a nepo baby, literally born into British aristocracy where his “friend's neighbour” was casually Brian Eno" F***ing hell mate choose another fighter
bruh I had to hit the livestream to catch a few more minutes of this s*** cus twitter videos killed me
hell nah man ya'll got it
Fred again ain't some underground dude man he grew up with Brian Eno, went to private school and his father is my country's highest ranking Lawyer and his family comes from our socialites
Dang vietbrah is getting paid good for this
Dang vietbrah is getting paid good for this
He putting you on to one of the most famous family in my country
What a noble act!