Dope premise
Would love a black show set in the 90’s like a modern take on the black family sitcom
Need this and how i met your father to bring back the classic sitcom feeling
Top three seasons of Television ever
It's only got a couple rivals for me, but it's definitely worthy of that spot for sure
Eric and Donna getting together after he left her at the altar <<<<<<<<
fez and jackie getting together instead of hyde was the dumbest s*** ever
I say why not
At least can give some context to what happened to the characters after the 70s
People acting like the last seasons of the show weren't straight trash anyways
They did too much
Having niggas get married and have babies as teenagers lmao
fez and jackie getting together instead of hyde was the dumbest s*** ever
Hyde and her was never gonna work tbh, it looked good but there was reasons they were always gonna break up
I wish it was just a different show period piece like that 80s show was but I guess that’s kinda what they’re doing
fez and jackie getting together instead of hyde was the dumbest s*** ever
Imagine dating a girl that not one but two of your best friends already smashed and u still kick it w them niggas
She mightve started my love for redhead girls
That mc1r
80s didn’t work but 90s works perfectly for nostalgia of the target audience
Oh s*** you right on this, it does make sense
Imagine dating a girl that not one but two of your best friends already smashed and u still kick it w them niggas
Thats the 70s