Cuz that 80s show worked so well the first time
to be fair, that 80s show was like a whole completely different show with different cast and everything
Something hella white like this
! like this would actually work
Cuz that 80s show worked so well the first time
Crazy that Dennis from its always sunny was in that
And the reality is that kids are doing d**** and having s***which is why the shows are relatable to those demographics
They don’t use minors as actors it’s all adults visually
So how is this a pedo agenda 😭
Because why have it even play that age group even as adults. It was goofy for Spider Man raimi series but the movie itself was goofy. On that 70s show where d**** and s***are the topic why not do college. Great college shows like Blue Mountain state exist. No one is forcing anyone to do coming of age Degrassi, Euphoria, Big Mouth and more. You guys do a light response when I have actually thought about what I am talking about. Some of Euphoria properly handled mature topics others did use it for ratings, shock and attention. When s***didn't even make sense to be the focus especially with so much else going on
I mean if you talking about pedo agenda then Mila was 14 when the original show started ( everyone else like 20 )
That is interesting I didn't know that but age gap like that and playing high schoolers when within 2 years is different than what I mean here since y'all are quoting this 3 month old post.
The show will be taped in front of a live audience and is about to start filming episodes
The show will be taped in front of a live audience and is about to start filming episodes
You gonna be in the live audience?
You gonna be in the live audience?
I’m gonna try tbh. Only live taping I went to was for that Always Sunny “spin-off” that didn’t get picked up
I’m gonna try tbh. Only live taping I went to was for that Always Sunny “spin-off” that didn’t get picked up
Damn I never heard of this 🤔
Damn I never heard of this 🤔
It was really f***ing funny. Fred Savage, Charlie, Rob and Glenn were on set talking to each other. I was like 10 ft away from them
It was really f***ing funny. Fred Savage, Charlie, Rob and Glenn were on set talking to each other. I was like 10 ft away from them
Damn that’s dope. What made you wanna go do that? Networking purposes?
Damn that’s dope. What made you wanna go do that? Networking purposes?
I got an ad for it and it looked interesting. I tried to see Fallon and Colbert but they are super hard to get in to.
Feels like a Disneyfied That 70s Show
I hope it's better than that
The parent's didnt even age
Feels like a Disneyfied That 70s Show
I hope it's better than that
from that short clip, the girl playing eric and donna’s daughter seems to be emulating eric well imo
Seasons 1-3 Fez is truly up there with having the funniest one liners in any show history.
Just had to say that
Feels like a Disneyfied That 70s Show
I hope it's better than that
eh im down
Damn I wanted this to be good but it really looks pretty gross tbh. New cast doesn't seem appealing in the slightest.
Feels like a Disneyfied That 70s Show
I hope it's better than that
It’s hard to really judge on the trailer tbh, I’ll give it a shot tho
I'mma give it a chance. I hope they keep it somewhat true to the 90s though
Just seeing that trailer and cast, it looks idk too inclusive?
If it wasn't a direct sequel persay I think I'd feel differently. Idk it just feels weird. I'm sure there were diverse friend groups in the 90s, but man Wisconsin is white as hell
I can't remember any real specific jokes they made in That 70's Show, but off my recollection, just how they wrote, and treated Fez is not something I think they can do on TV nowadays. So it'll be interesting to see