could we have another Misey Business/good 4 u situation or is the influence not as apparent?
Similar drum rhythm, riff, and song structure
She stole some art direction from Courtney love last time around but I digress. Songs sound nothing alike, let the kids have influences
Stop saying o rod! Nobody calls her that s***!
y'all hear that O-Rodmans? They're calling us nobodies!
Is teen spirit the best sell-out hit OAT? It’s top 10 at least
The mid-riff wait is very powerful
Some of you dumbasses were stanning this lil girl smh this music is dog s***
I could hear it. Sounds like that inspiration was the foundation for the track and then they took it somewhere else (thank god).
yeah similar but its not like nirvana didnt have songs that sounded an awful lot like some things before them too. not like they invented this style either
i dont see a problem with it