There’s shortages
Prices going up s***
British Columbia(Canadian province) had to restrict sales cuz Americans were buying it
So again I’m asking you. F*** the people that need it cuz some lazy f***s can’t hit the gym or change their diet?
This is bc of s***ty doctor practices doing illegal stuff like the article states. Not bc theres an actual shortage
Nah imma judge lmao why take the easy way out
You literally just have to go to the gym for like an hour out of the day a few times a week to see results lmao for the average American theres no excuse to not exercise
I feel like there are so many other things you can blame before you blame a consumer who just wants to feel good about themselves.
There are so many nuances that we can go back and forth on, and I might actually agree with you on some of those points. But generally speaking, I don't see the point in judging someone who wants to do something else instead.
Nah imma judge lmao why take the easy way out
You literally just have to go to the gym for like an hour out of the day a few times a week to see results lmao for the average American theres no excuse to not exercise
Exactly lmao.
They think they taking the easy way out but they’re damaging their body in the process.
Laziness never f***ing pays
why cant amerifats just go to the f***ing gym instead of stealing medicine from people who actually need it
I’m sure there’s plenty ozempic for everybody
there is a shortage until the end of this year
They do use Ozempic medical for serious weight issues in the field too tho as prescribed - mainly for people that have a legit genetic issue like their body holds too much fat for too long or some health problem like extreme asthma that makes working out very hard or even dangerous etc.
But in general yeah i agree with you
OP mad af
imagine having a disability and wanting to lose weight anyway but you can't because "you didn't put in work"
i just know op fuming he cannot get hands on a dose of glp-1 to help get that extra 20 off
as a person who is actually type 1 diabetic and knows all the side effects of when your blood is low i HIGHLY REC NO ONE TAKE THIS TO LOSE WEIGHT IF YOUR NOT TYPE 2
They’ll do anything but eat something green
There green on that burger playboi
They do use Ozempic medical for serious weight issues in the field too tho as prescribed - mainly for people that have a legit genetic issue like their body holds too much fat for too long or some health problem like extreme asthma that makes working out very hard or even dangerous etc.
But in general yeah i agree with you
I responded in this thread??
I really be on some jekyll and hyde s*** one day im ignorant af and the next im nuance asl
idk why this got me
You also lose muscle which you can't just get implanted. These people are gonna age like raisin
Ozempic got 30 yr old yt women looking like