i don’t think i could buy a fish sandwich from a fast food place
Same idk why cause I like seafood. Just sounds nasty
What makes their fish any worse than any other meat
All fast food is bad
Lmao at not knowing the difference between a frozen fish patty that’s essentially a giant fish stick and real actual fried fish
The trips to the shadiest parts of your city are more than worth it for good fried fish
Depends on where you get it. East coast fish is fresh and amazing >>>
Alaskan fish >>>> everything.
Lmao at not knowing the difference between a frozen fish patty that’s essentially a giant fish stick and real actual fried fish
I get that
My point is all fast food is trash
Not just the fish
Salmon and crab so good here
I got a shellfish allergy, so I don't eat non of that. But my grandfather is a driftnet fisherman, so we always had fire salmon.
Salmon and crab so good here
I worked as a deckhand for him for a few summers and it was one of the hardest jobs I've ever done. I barely made anything because I was like 13 to 15 and I was his grandson.. but it definitely taught me a lot in terms of work ethic. I'll never do that s*** again.. being on the sea for that much time was not fun. I love the ocean, but I love the land even more lmao.
I worked as a deckhand for him for a few summers and it was one of the hardest jobs I've ever done. I barely made anything because I was like 13 to 15 and I was his grandson.. but it definitely taught me a lot in terms of work ethic. I'll never do that s*** again.. being on the sea for that much time was not fun. I love the ocean, but I love the land even more lmao.
That sounds really dope. I’ve never done anything like that but I’ve done a lot of rod and reeling.
I mean... if you’re eating fast food, but turning your nose up at their fish, you got a pretty odd perspective
Bruh most of my fast food is eaten when I'm trashed. Imagine ordering a filet o fish thru the drive thru at 2 am
That sounds really dope. I’ve never done anything like that but I’ve done a lot of rod and reeling.
You do any ice fishing?