I remember they said CBD helped you sleep, I smoked a CBD joint back in college and I was having fever dreams the whole night
having funny thoughts when youre a fully grown adult is pathetic. showing off how much tolerance you built up from consuming d**** is pathetic.
if you cant get thru your life without stimulants then maybe its time to hang it up
1. weed is not a stimulant my boy
2. nigga said if you cant get through your life without coffee then maybe you should kill yourself
Gravity bongs are childhood, vapes are adulthood
Or whatever else r/trees corny ass users say
CBD? Not even delta? I feel like cbd is dead now that delta is big
CBD was never really a weed "substitute", it was more of non-intoxicating supplement that was said to give some benefits people used marijuana medically for
Delta-8 (and other alt-noids) are basically attempting to recreate the THC high from weed, but legally in illegal states
1. weed is not a stimulant my boy
2. nigga said if you cant get through your life without coffee then maybe you should kill yourself
its always weed people being f***ing obnoxious and annoying. yeah crodie weed is just like coffee and cigs my boy keep telling yourself that. f***ing dumbass
and i should know every intricate piece of info on weeds effect on a human body. yeah read me a lecture snoop dogg
its always weed people being f***ing obnoxious and annoying. yeah crodie weed is just like coffee and cigs my boy keep telling yourself that. f***ing dumbass
lighten the f*** up bro it was a joke, obviously that isn't what you said... thefuck
lighten the f*** up bro it was a joke, obviously that isn't what you said... thefuck
id spoke with some annoying ass weed people about it
adulthood is drinking liquor
If you're over the age of 25 and still smoke weed you're a r-word
Turning 26 today and im gonna get so blitzed tonight yous wouldnt get it
Turning 26 today and im gonna get so blitzed tonight yous wouldnt get it
happy bday
Here come the KTT conservatives that stopped smoking weed because they felt guilty for rebelling against their parents