  • The real boss is nicotine, sadly

    Goddamn i miss tabacco

  • DMT is for sages

  • I remember they said CBD helped you sleep, I smoked a CBD joint back in college and I was having fever dreams the whole night

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    CBD? Not even delta? I feel like cbd is dead now that delta is big

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    having funny thoughts when youre a fully grown adult is pathetic. showing off how much tolerance you built up from consuming d**** is pathetic.

    if you cant get thru your life without stimulants then maybe its time to hang it up

    1. weed is not a stimulant my boy
    2. nigga said if you cant get through your life without coffee then maybe you should kill yourself

  • Gravity bongs are childhood, vapes are adulthood

    Or whatever else r/trees corny ass users say

  • Feb 14
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    Is there room for Delta

  • slyTendencies

    Actually sobriety is true maturity

  • ummmmm


  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    CBD? Not even delta? I feel like cbd is dead now that delta is big

    CBD was never really a weed "substitute", it was more of non-intoxicating supplement that was said to give some benefits people used marijuana medically for

    Delta-8 (and other alt-noids) are basically attempting to recreate the THC high from weed, but legally in illegal states

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    1. weed is not a stimulant my boy
    2. nigga said if you cant get through your life without coffee then maybe you should kill yourself

    its always weed people being f***ing obnoxious and annoying. yeah crodie weed is just like coffee and cigs my boy keep telling yourself that. f***ing dumbass

  • Feb 14

    and i should know every intricate piece of info on weeds effect on a human body. yeah read me a lecture snoop dogg

  • Fever

  • Feb 14
    1 reply

    its always weed people being f***ing obnoxious and annoying. yeah crodie weed is just like coffee and cigs my boy keep telling yourself that. f***ing dumbass

    lighten the f*** up bro it was a joke, obviously that isn't what you said... thefuck

  • Ayahuasca is afterlife

  • americana

    Spliffs is adulthood

  • slyTendencies

    Actually sobriety is true maturity


    Your mental really dictates your highs, weed is pretty malleable


  • Feb 14

    lighten the f*** up bro it was a joke, obviously that isn't what you said... thefuck

    id spoke with some annoying ass weed people about it

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 14
    1 reply

    adulthood is drinking liquor

  • Feb 15
    2 replies

    If you're over the age of 25 and still smoke weed you're a r-word

    Turning 26 today and im gonna get so blitzed tonight yous wouldnt get it

  • ghosting ®️
    Feb 15
    1 reply

    Turning 26 today and im gonna get so blitzed tonight yous wouldnt get it

    happy bday

  • Feb 15

    Here come the KTT conservatives that stopped smoking weed because they felt guilty for rebelling against their parents

  • Buncha pussies I tell ya

  • Yeah if you want schizophrenia